Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 10, 2013 17:27

Okay, first of all, hi, and thank you. Hopefully we matched on something you love, so this will be fun.

I love, in no particular order,

funny stories
happy endings (bittersweet being a-okay if that's what fits better)
cats (not necessarily in stories, but I do not object to random cameos of kitties)
knitting (again, not necessarily in fic, though I do love stories where random people turn out to be secret knitters and make things for their friends/made families)
five things fic
aus that are one change from canon
folktales/myths/legends/fairy tales in the tone of the world of the canon
nonexplicit sex
hugs! (I love hugs)
friendship and/or team fic
sex toys/pegging

Things I dislike:
angst for the sake of angst
noncon (dubcon is okay as long as everyone knows it's dubcon)
underage sex unless both parties are underage
knife/pain play
character bashing of any kind
high school aus

Onto the fandoms:

Push (2009), Nick Gant and Cassie Holmes.
Cassie should be of age if there is sex, please. I dislike angst, BDSM and omegaverse. I would prefer something that keeps their powers intact, but I don't mind different time/place aus. I am also perfectly happy with adventures, misadventures, humor and a platonic relationship.

I am also perfectly happy with the rest of their 'teammates' showing up if you wanted to do an adventure/misadventure or different time/place AU.

Of age means at least 16 but preferably 18 to me.

Also, I realize both Cassie and Nick have parental loss angst, but in neither case does that seem to define them. I'm not saying ignore their terrible pasts, just continue to have them seem determined to make better futures.

Also, also: If you want a crossover/fusion idea, I find it interesting that Nick and Hook Waters' actors both play characters in Sunshine, along with a character named Cassie who accurately predicts the future at one point, and a kick-ass Asian lady. Just food for thought.

Vikings, Athelstan, Lagertha, Ragnar Lothbrook
I dislike BDSM and omegaverse. While I don't generally go for angst, Athelstan is going to have a lot of ISSUES moving from being a priest to being a Viking, so I'm okay with explorations of that. I love their dynamic and would love to see more of the interactions between all three. Sex welcome.

Oh, Athelstan, you conflicted little man. And they DID ask you to join them in their bed for sex, so...

Sunshine (2007), Corazon
Corazon is so neat. I would love more of a look at her and her experiences. How did she decide to go on the voyage, how did she get interested in plants, etc.

I would love anything about her. And if you wanted to ship her with anyone, that's fine too. I just love how she kind of seemed to be almost the mother of the crew, and genuinely loved her garden.

RocknRolla (2008), One Two and Handsome Bob
I dislike BDSM and omegaverse. So does Handsome Bob convince One Two that they should do some more dancing? Or do they get themselves all shot up again?

I admit it, this one I would really love porn for. Or at least kissing. But I am happy with pretty much everything with them.

Slayers (Anime & Manga), Zelgadis Greywords, Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev
I have seen all of Slayers, Next and Try, but I've not seen anything past that, so please don't spoil me. I would love to see Lina and Gourry working together to convince Zelgadis it's not that bad and he's being hung up over his looks for no good reason. Or an adventure where they have to work together to save themselves, others, etc. I just love the three of them!

I really love Slayers, but I haven't yet been able to see Revolution or Evolution-R (I didn't know they existed until last year), the OVAs, or any of the movies yet. So please keep that in mind. I do desperately want SOMEONE to get it through Zel's head he is not his skin and needs to stop being so self-conscious, because he actually looks pretty neat. But I am also completely okay with team fic (including Amelia, Xellos, Filia and Martina, if needed/desired).

Also, affectionate sex is always good.

Again, thank you so much for whatever you write for me, and I do hope you enjoy it.


dear author, yuletide 2013

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