Up in Smoke

May 22, 2011 12:06

"Perhaps if you remove your accoutrements the whores would be more willing to approach you." Groves briefly glanced up from the bottom of his drink before returning his gaze to the amber liquid.

Gillette rolled his eyes. "Perhaps if you removed that scowl from your face I wouldn't need to seek the company of others. You're a bloody drag tonight, you know that? What's gotten into you?"

Groves refused to look up into what he knew were the concerned eyes of his closest friend. Instead, he finished his drink and stood up, straightening his coat, readying to leave. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of parchment. "Commodore Norrington has informed me of his imminent proposal to Miss Swann."

"Oh. Teddy, I..." Gillette frowned and stood up, not really knowing what to say. He grabbed his hat from atop their table and placed it on his head. He motioned towards the door, indicating they could leave.

Groves nodded but lingered behind a bit, stopping first in front of the large, stone fireplace. He hesitated for a bit, bringing the note up to his heart before dropping it into the flames.

He watched, emotionless, as the last ties to the one person he loved went up in smoke.

norrington, potc, gillette, drabble, groves

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