
May 24, 2011 19:21

While a career in the Royal Navy might have seemed somewhat exciting to the young Theodore Groves, the older one was finding himself to quite disappointed to realize that for each day of 'excitement' you could bet on at least three days of paperwork. And, oh, how he despised paperwork. It was so utterly dull and it made his hand hurt. Any excuse to shirk those duties was welcomed, but the problem with that was the more that he put it off (which was quite often) it piled up. It was a never-ending cycle of torture.

Really, the only thing worse than the paperwork was all of the standing around he had to do. It seemed to be required of him, and it was just so exhausting.

It was particularly dreadful to stand in during meetings that did not concern him whatsoever. What was the point? Especially when the meeting was between Governor Swann and Commodore James Norrington. Surely neither man truly expected one to slay the other, so why Norrington needed him and Gillette in there during such droll occasions was beyond him. Knowing James though, Groves assumed he probably just wanted an audience. The vanity of the man was sometimes unnerving.

Perhaps the worst of it all though, was the heat. It was always so bloody hot in James' office. All of the time. Add in a couple pounds of uniform and you were begging to die, just to be out of your misery. When Groves had first arrived in Port Royal he had been told that he would get used to the heat. Well, he was still waiting for that moment to come. It was a rare day indeed when his already uncomfortable regalia was not also stuck to every inch of his body with sweat.

The hat and the wig were the worst of it, however, so in an attempt to relieve himself of even an ounce of suffering, he had recently sheared his hair as short as he could. Norrington had protested, whining about "what am I supposed to grab onto now?" Groves had suggested what he considered to be a fair alternative. An alternative that Norrington had been all to willing to accept if this morning had been any indication.

Groves let his eyes close as he remembered their tryst just a few hours previous. He could still hear Norrington's voice thick with need, begging him for more.

The man was absolutely insatiable. Not that Groves' minded.

"Are you feeling alright, Lieutenant Groves?"

The Governor's voice brought him out of his head and back into Norrington's office. "Sir?"

"You looked as though you may be ill any moment and you made the most worrisome groan."

Norrington turned around at that and slowly ran his eyes over Groves. He flashed him a roguish smile, "Perhaps the heat is getting to you? It is rather hot in here..."

Governor Swann nodded in agreement, "It is indeed. Shall I fetch the physician, Lieutenant?"

Groves smiled, "Your concern is appreciated Governor Swann, but I assure you I shall be fine."

Norrington turned his attention back to the Governor, motioning for him to accompany him to the map table. With his back to Groves, he proceeded to discuss matters but not without occasionally bending over the table to point out a few distant locations on the map and providing Groves with a luscious view of his ass.

Gillette noticed and rolled his eyes. "Completely shameless," he murmured. He glanced over at Groves who was busy shifting his wait and repositioning his coats in an attempt to conceal his arousal. "As are you."

Groves ignored him, keeping his eyes on the Commodore.

"What would Miss Swann do, I wonder?" Gillette whispered to Groves. "She certainly had a way of getting the Commodore to tend to her needs rather quickly."

The mention of Miss Swann got Groves' attention. "What are you -"

He was cut off by a swift kick behind the knees, that sent him falling to the floor. "What - "

"Shut it, you fool!" Gillette quickly dropped to his knees beside Groves and placed his hands on the other man's shoulders holding him down. "Gentlemen," he called out, "Lieutenant Groves seems to have been taken by the heat. Governor, perhaps we should take you up on your offer to fetch the physician, yes?"

"Yes, yes of course!" Governor Swann quickly withdrew himself from Norrington's office. Norrington, as Gillette had suggested, rushed over to Groves' side, panic on his face.

Gillette stood up and placed a foot on Groves' chest, keeping him on the ground. "I figure you have ten minutes or so before Governor Swann returns. Not a lot of time, but enough to where I hope not to be subjected to such unabashed flirting. It's absolutely nauseating."

Norrington looked at Gillette, his cheeks flushed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Gillette made way to the door. Groves called after him, "Stay. Please?"

Norrington looked down at Groves, eyes dark with lust, and he turned to Gillette, hopeful.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I was merely locking the door. I know well as you how much our dear Commodore enjoys an audience."

fic, norrington, potc, gillette, 10_hurt_comfort, groves

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