Feb 24, 2006 15:13
Not really going to be doing anything exciting for Mardi Gras. I didn't get invited to go out with anyone anywhere. And I have a lot of homework. I have roughly about 16 hours worth of homework to do this weekend. My Independent Study courses are due by the end of this month- on Tuesday. There was 6 people looking desperately for subs for this weekend, and monday/tuesday. Many of them had put in their sub forms over a month ago. I took them all. Yeah, thats right.. I took ever last bit of them. I will be working all week. Doesn't sound like fun? Well, neither did sitting at home doing just homework all weekend sounded like fun to me. My supervisor was really stressing out about gettting the shifts covered. I told her how much homework I had, but I wasn't going anywhere. She told me that I -can- do my homework at work this weekend! So not only will I be able to do my homework, but I will be making roughly 62 dollars this weekend- instead of spending 62 dollars this weekend =P
Also, in further news, I guess my sister and I are fighting again. I was desperatly trying to get to sleep last night because I was really exhausted (like I always am now) and I had to get up for 6 am to sub someone's shift this morning.. but my sister had just started the drier.. and it was makign this horrible clanking noise. I got up and screamed, "Do you need what is in the drier for tomorrow -Morning!-?" from the laundry room-because I didn't feel like getting dressed, and Johnathan was in the living room with my sister too. She screamed back that what she needed was in the Washer, and that it was MY clothing in the drier. I told her that if she needed HER clothing Dried for tomorrow morning- then she should have taken care of her stuff earlier. She said -I- should have taken care of my stuff earlier. I screamed back that -I- didn't need my clothing done for the morning, and that my clothing in the drier had no Delay on her just now putting her clothing in the washer machine! And with that, I went back to my room. I just wanted to ask if she needed them for tomorrow, because if she didn't- I was just going to turn the drier off and restart it at 6 when I leave the house.
No sooner was I back in bed, then the lights were on in the laundry room, and she had opened the drier door, and then slamed the door behind her. SHe left the lights on. So I got up to go turn them off- just to find out that she had put a SAW in front of my bedroom door, and threw my soaking wet pants ALL over the Laundry room!!! I screamed at her to NOT BE A BITCH, and to NEVER throw my wet clothing out of the drier again. I put them back in the drier, and went back to my room..
..I can't believe she did that. Especially the saw thing. I mean even if she was mad at my wet pants for being in the drier.. she still had no reason to attempt to slice open my foot >.<
Ryan is being an ass again too. But its really okay, because I just don't put up with it anymore, and I really don't care much for him at all. What happened was he called me last night, and I told him something amazing- atleast to me- and he cut me off the exact second I finished to tell me something, and then I was like.. so what do you think? And he was like uh.. and I was like, weren't you listening to me, did you hear what I said right before you cut me off? and he said he had, and repeated it to me like it meant nothing to me. I hung up on him after explainning that I didn't really care to talk to him if he didn't really care to listen. Last weekend when I talked to him he did almsot the same thing, he said, "Remember when Logan came up and we went to the Chinese Buffette." We meaning Logan and him. I wasn;t there. Infact, this was just last weekend- Valentine's Day weekend.. the very weekend that Ryan made such a big deal and fuss about NOT SEEING me at ALL that weekend. How the FUCK does he think I would forget that weekend, especially since it was only last weekend! I am really fed up with his insensativity. I almost felt like saying, "Oh, remember the time that Kelcey cheated on you?" Seriously.
I really have no interest in talking to him at all if he keeps being this mean and insensative towards me.
Oh but, on other good news... Okay, well I guess I don't have any good news really. Besides that I am doing okay. Yeah. Just really busy. I can't wait till the end of this weekend.. no more subbing peoples shifts, and no more independent studies.