Lent, days 33, 34, and 35

Apr 11, 2019 23:05

For several days now, I thought my computer had some dread virus, which is why I was unable to post for a couple of days! It kept shutting down on me suddenly, right in the middle of whatever I was doing, and the number and frequency of the shut-downs was escalating. Well, the Geek Squad guy was here today. He seemed a bit baffled by my description of the symptoms and he ran all sorts of diagnostic spells (well, as far as I'm concerned they are spells, sufficiently advanced tech might as well be magic, as some wise sage somewhere once said...) and seemed puzzled, but then he seemed to have an epiphany. "Do you have it on a surge protector?"

"Yes," I replied. We always use surge protectors on anything more complicated than a lamp.

"It may be faulty," so he pushed over my incredibly large and heavy desk a few inches so he could reach the plug outlet, and managed to dig out the surge protector, which apparently no longer was protecting anything very well. Forty bucks for a replacement protector, and the problem appears to now be solved. We left the desk where it is now, about 3" to the left of where it was--so if he ever has to come back and deal with that outlet, he won't have to shove my desk over again.

And so, finally, I can present my stones for the last few days!

Tuesday's stone:

Tuesday's prayer behind the cut:
The Fifth Week of Lent

Loving God,
You have heard my complaints, my impatience.
Sometimes I become frightened
when I move away from you.
Guide my heart back to you.
Help me to think beyond my own wants
and to desire only to do you will.

Thank you for the many blessings in my life
and for the ways I feel your presence.

Wednesday's stone, this one is "Lamb of God":

Last night's prayer behind the cut:
The Fifth Week of Lent

Loving Creator,
I know in your great love for me,
you see the deep sorrow in my heart.
Hear my prayers which are offered
with such trust in you.

Be with me in both mind and heart
as I renew my life in your spirit.

Tonight's stone, Chi Rho, the monogram of Christ:

Todays's prayer behind the cut:

The Fifth Week of Lent

all I want is to be faithful to you in my life,
but so often I fail.
Free me from my many sins
and guide me to the life I will share with you.
I wait for your promise to be fulfilled
with great hope in my heart
and your praise on my lips.

The prayers I am using are from this site Lent: One Prayer A Day.

religion, church, lent 2019, art, computer woes

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