Stuff and such

Aug 03, 2018 12:05

First of all, a new chapter of "An Unexpected Adventure" is up:
It took me forever to get it up here at LJ, which does not seem to like keeping me logged in on that account. Every time I would hit post it would tell me either that I wasn't logged in or that there was no such account. I was persistent though, and it finally took after about an hour. The story is also updated at FFN, MPTT and AO3, and I believe Kathy has updated it at SOA as well.

Yesterday I went to my second job on my own! It's just doing the church bulleting, newsletter and eventually will also include doing the slideshow for the Sunday Service. The lady who was doing it has moved, and she had to come in from quite a distance. She stayed on long enough to show me how to do the bulletin and newsletter. But the stuff to do for the screens (where they display the words to the songs and hymns) had to wait. The laptop they've been doing it on is on it's last legs. They are getting a new one, and when it comes in someone will show me how to do that too! Anyway, took me about 4 hours to do the bulletin. There won't be a new newsletter until the end of the month, that takes quite a lot longer! The pay's not much, but it helps and gives me a chance to do something for the church.

Tomorrow I get to go back to work at Braum's. My wrist is a LOT better, but my primary wants me to wear a brace there for a while, since it's not quite as strong and also it's very sensitive. I still can't wear my wristwatch without it being somewhat painful. I do hope THAT gets better. I feel odd without my watch.

Also, I'd love to rec a fic I just finished:
It's a "Girl Dropped Into Middle-earth", but it's fairly realistic, and reminds me a lot of Boz4PM's "Don't Panic" in some ways, in that she doesn't know the language and has to deal with the reality of a medieval world.
I just finished it and was highly impressed with it!

fic rec, aua, personal, fanfiction

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