Non-Political Fun Politics!

Mar 21, 2016 11:51

It occurred to me that we could do something non-partisan and fun with all the hoo-hah of an election year.

There are lots and lots of FICTIONAL American presidents around, in books, movies and TV series. So I thought it would be fun to vote on who one might think would make a good president in RL.

Here are the rules:

1. It must be a fictional POTUS; it cannot be a fictional president of a fictional country. So, for example, you can't nominate Jon Snow of The Hunger Games as he is president of the Districts, and not of the USA.

2. It can't be a RL POTUS who has been used in fiction. So, for example, you can't nominate Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, since good old Abe was a real president even though he sadly never went around killing vampires and blowing up trains.

3. Nominate using the character's name, and indicate what film, show or book he/she appeared in. For example, nominate "James Marshall of Air Force One (movie)". You can add "played by Harrison Ford" if you think that will help others to identify who you mean. But don't nominate "Harrison Ford" because he is not a fictional president, he just played one in the movie. Optional, you can also give a few reasons why you are nominating him/her. You don't have to, though.

4. You can nominate more than one, but each nomination should be in a separate comment. You can also second other people's nominations, but as a reply to their comment. Save top level comments for actual nominations.

To nominate, just comment to this post. When I get enough nominations, I'll put up a poll, and we'll have fun voting with something that really won't have ANY RL repercussions!

Also, up for voting now: C'mon! Galadriel vs. Lothlorien? Frodo vs Treebeard?

silly poll

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