This and that

Jun 16, 2014 17:58

Haven't been around much because of various issues, one of which was computer trouble. I spent most of the afternoon letting a nice tech from Norton fiddle around with my HP, (so weird to watch the cursor doing all kinds of things without me) and now the pop-ups and strange links are gone, the speed is better, and I no longer have to hit a key 10 times just to type one letter!

But it took so long I didn't get to do any of the writing I wanted to, and I have to work tomorrow, so I hope I get my challenge fic for this month done. Tonight I take A. (my son's girlfriend's 14-yr-old daughter) to the library for knitting circle.

Something else awesome. The new issue of the OTW's online periodical, Transformative Works and Culture is up. There is an article about crafting in fandom which I was interviewed for, and some of my interview is in it here: Beyond Souvenirs: making fannish objects by hand. The article mostly consists of interviews, though the caption on a photo of one of my projects is slightly incorrect.

Anyway, if I'm not too pooped from work tomorrow, I hope to write!

fandom, crafts, personal, writing

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