OK, I have to share this funny

Jun 28, 2013 09:20

Let me preface this by saying that our bathroom door does not shut completely, due to a hook at the top that prevents it from closing well. Since it's just the two of us, that's not usually a problem. But the thing is, that even when it is closed as much as it can be, it's no deterrent to a pet with a determined nose and paw who wants to come in and keep whoever's in there company. Sometimes the dog, sometimes the cat, sometimes both of them...

Cut for slightly TMI potty humor

Yesterday when the DH came home, he headed for the bathroom, to do, as he said, "the thing guys do in the bathroom". Apparently Miss Belladonna decided to follow him in to satisfy her curiosity. The DH was standing there, um, doing his thing, when she came in and stuck her head between him and the toilet and stood up to watch. He, ummm, got her right in the middle of her head! She was not amused--but he chased her down to wash her head off with a washcloth--which she found equally non-amusing.

Me? I LOL'd until my eyes leaked.

She was in a snit for hours.

funny, miss belladonna, pets

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