Writer's groups

May 24, 2012 19:57

I just got home from the first ever meeting of a local writer's group. As organizational meetings go, this one got quite a lot accomplished. We've set meeting times for regular meetings and critique meetings, and we decided we did not want to be a paying chapter of a writing organization. I am not too certain of just how we will do in the long run-- we are pretty diverse in one sense, and not very in others. And I am not too sure how well I will fit, as I am not interested in conventional publishing of fiction for myself (though perhaps my non-fic will profit).

We shall see what we shall see. Have any of you been part of writer's groups? What sorts of experiences (good and bad) did you have with them? Any advice for me on interacting with my fellow writers in person? (I am much more comfortable with online communities, LOL!)


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