
Mar 17, 2012 20:10

I've had an extremely busy week; in addition to trying to keep up with my B2MEM prompts, and feeling rather like a hamster on a wheel over them, we have been painting our bedroom and hanging new curtains in both the bedroom and living room. (Perhaps tomorrow or Monday I can take and post some pics.) Yesterday we ran like crazy with errands that kept us busy all day.

Today, I was supposed to work 7AM to 3PM-- I ended up working to 4, and then my boss asked me if I'd come in tomorrow (I don't normally work Sunday) for a few hours, since she had some people call in-- not a full shift anyway, thank goodness! But I am so pooped. I hope I can move in the morning, LOL!

But I am also very excited about THIS news! I am hoping to find out enough about the venue so I can be there! I'm so happy! Imagine him coming HERE of all places, as it's not likely to change anyone's mind about him, or garner him any votes here that he wasn't already going to get.

I was kind of sad, but not surprised, that all but ONE of the people whom I mentioned it to, or who mentioned it TO me, were negative about the whole thing. You know, even if you don't LIKE a president, it's still an honor to have one come to your town-- I know as a child growing up, I was always taught that you respect the office even if you don't respect the man. But most people here are either very nasty about the president, or at best, resentful of the trouble it will cause for traffic and stuff!

In kind of nice news, my church has a program to provide a free community meal once a month-- we have it the evening of the third Saturday, and have gone in with two other churches, who host it on the first and second Saturday. It's called "P,B&J" (for "Peace, Bread & Joy") Anyone's welcome to come, and this is the first time I haven't been working on the evening we had it, so I went up to donate some butter. Our store is having a promotion-- for every $15 spent in the market, you get a free pound of real butter. I'd managed to collect ten pounds this week (several from my own purchases, and a couple from customers who did not want their promotional free butter, and told me to donate it for them). So I kept four, and took six up to the church along with a couple of other food donations, and stayed to eat some spaghetti and talk a little. But now I am home and my feet hurt, and I am very tired.

Hopefully, after a little rest, I can try to whip some of my bits and pieces of partially done B2MeM fics into some things I can post. I've only been able to finish and post a few so far, but now, instead of 3 WIPs, I have a gazillion (no, not really, it just feels that way.)

And read "The Grey Havens". I cannot BELIEVE that Mark of "Mark Reads" is going to finish LotR on Monday. It seems to have gone so QUICKLY!

b2mem 12, politics, church, personal, house

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