Thoughts about Return of the King...

Nov 28, 2011 16:11

So, I had the Encore marathon of LotR on all last afternoon and evening as background while I did my housework and so forth. (The house is small enough that I can hear the TV well in every room except the kitchen, and even SEE it from three rooms.)

I got to thinking about a recent trend that might have been very neat back when RotK was being filmed: I'm talking about the trend of filming the "last" book in a series in two parts. Hey, it worked for Harry Potter, right?

So, here's a little "what-if" question: If RotK could have been six hours instead of three, what (if anything) would you like to have seen added or changed?
My own wish-list behind the cut:

The first thing I would have liked would have been the addition of "Flotsam and Jetsam" in some form or other: Merry and Pippin feeding and talking with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, and showing them all the bounty they'd found.

With more time to fill, perhaps the Grey Company could have been included, instead of a totally irrelevant visit from Elrond. Halbarad could have brought Aragorn the standard.

More scenes with Merry among the Rohirrim.

Beregond and Bergil might have been included-- perhaps a brief scene at least, in which they are introduced to Pippin.

The Houses of Healing: Aragorn could have been shown tending Faramir as well as Eowyn, and also he could have tended Merry after Pippin found him.

With more time to use, perhaps the deplorable scenes where Frodo sends Sam away could have been amended a little, so that Frodo and Sam could have been separated at the tunnel without that part. (For example, Gollum could have tricked Sam somehow so that he temporarily ends up going down the wrong tunnel.)

Perhaps we could have had Cormallen?

I'm of two minds as to whether the Scouring could have been included in movie-verse. Perhaps, but there would have had to have been some changes in the first two movies to allow it.

So, what about y'all: what do YOU wish could be included if we could have had a two-part RotK?


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