Changes...and fic!

Aug 29, 2011 11:59

Last week I made some major changes to my schedule. At my request, my boss cut my hours at work, and I am now working only one day a week, Saturday.

I did this for several reasons. My DH's schedule had recently changed so that he was working ONLY on the weekends: 36 hours over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This meant that I was often working on his days off. In addition, my work schedule was very erratic, which made it hard to schedule things like doctor appointments. And I was having to work most Sundays, which meant that I couldn't go to church. Finally, I wanted more writing time, for my DS articles (which will make up for my lost pay at work) and also for my fanfic.

I like the new set-up very much. I accomplished a lot this past weekend, including finally getting the chance to update two of my WIPs that have been languishing for several months.

So, "Ancestress" has been updated! You can find the latest tribble here:

Chapter Thirty-four: A Mother is a Mother Still

And I have finally got "In the Court of the High King" updated. This chapter had been finished for a while, but I was needing to do some proof-reading and formatting on it.

You can find it here at Many Paths to Tread.
You can find it here at Stories of Arda.

I've also begun co-writing a story with pandemonium_213, The Prisoner and the Hobbit. It's very unusual, to say the least…

Today, the DH has to take our son to Stillwater to pick up a part for his car, and I have a doctor appt. (Actually it's my twice a week therapy for the edema in my leg.) But the two of us have the next three days off together with no other obligations! *grin*

the prisoner and the hobbit, in the court of the high king, personal, ancestress, fanfiction

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