Yard and Garden picspam!

Apr 30, 2010 10:32

Here are some pics of my yard and garden this year!

This year

I can't believe how much our trees have grown since we planted them the summer after we moved in.

My unicorn bed, and the new corner flower bed.

I want to put a few more flowers in both beds. Note the stepping stones I painted.

My painted stepping stones

I'm hoping to replace the rocks with a border of scalloped concrete that I will also paint.


I'm sure most of you recognize this!

Front walkway

My painted stepping stones on our path to the front porch. The path leads up to our steps, but most people use the ramp anyway.

And this.

A closer look.

A little better shot of the last two.

Pedo mellon a minno

As you can see, I simplified the inscription. This is the one right by the steps.

Our side yard

The yellow roses are blooming, and the red ones on this side are beginning to.


This was the rosebush that got squished when they replaced our roof. It seems to be coming back nicely, and should be in full bloom in a day or two.

Side yard on the west.

Three broccoli, two cauliflower, two cabbages. I will probably also put in some of my cukes here.

My cattle trough bed.

Onions, broccoli, lettuce-- green and red. We've actually already had some of the lettuce in salads!

My little greenhouse

Yesterday, a few hours after I took this pic, the whole thing blew over, in spite of being attached to the porch rails with bungee cords! Fortunately most of my baby plants survived!

More baby plants

Some more of my little seedlings. Luckily this whole tray was intact after it blew over. I'm not sure why, but I'm glad it was OK.

lotr, garden, spring, yard

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