LOTR fandom meme

Apr 24, 2010 05:43

Got this one from thunderatiger!

The character I first fell in love with: Bilbo. I read The Hobbit just one day before I began Fellowship, and I adored Bilbo!
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Boromir
The character everyone else loves that I don't: Ummm...there are several I don't love, most of them in the Bad GuyTM category, but I don't think everyone else loves them. Maybe some of the First Age Elves. I don't have much use for the Feanorians.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Tom Bombadil
The character I'd want to be like: Esmeralda Brandybuck. I know it's sheer fanon, but anyone who reared a hobbit as terrific as Merry, and had a hand in shaping Frodo and Pippin as well, had to be awesome.
The character I'd slap: Denethor. How dare he not appreciate how terrific a son he has in Faramir? Not to mention being rude to Pippin...
Favorite LotR movie adaptation: There were several, but I'd have to say the whole Breaking of the Fellowship sequence was awesome, most especially the death of Boromir. And in the EE, when Pippin gave Gandalf a drink of water...
Least favorite LotR movie adaptation: Again, several. But I guess top of the list was gutting Merry and Pippin's backstory and the Conspiracy, followed closely by the Gollum/Sam/lembas-"go home Sam" sequence...
Favorite unsolved Tolkien mystery: The origins of hobbits
Least favorite unsolved Tolkien mystery: blue Wizards; wish he'd either left them out altogether or given us some hint as to what happened to them.
Five favorite characters: Bilbo. Frodo. Sam. Merry. Pippin.
Five least favorite characters: Denethor. Bill Ferny. The Witch-King. Lotho. Ted Sandyman. Especially Ted Sandyman.
Which character I am most like: Well, the way I tend to blather-- Ioreth, I suppose.
My deep, dark fandom secret: I am currently trying very hard to shoo away a particulary persistent and rather vicious Harry Potter bunny...does anyone know of an effective bunny repellent? Or would anyone like to adopt the little pest? I'd really prefer to concentrate on my hobbits...

lotr, meme

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