Shire Kitchen Recipe Fic Challenge 2008

Feb 06, 2008 09:16

The LJ Community shire_kitchen would like to announce its
Fourth Annual Recipe Fic Challenge. This is a chance to find a creative way to share your very favorite dishes as well as have the fun of writing a story! The theme for this year’s challenge will be: In a Pinch. (Interpret the phrase any way you want!)

Shire Kitchen Recipe Fic Challenge

1. A recipe fic is defined as a story in which a specific food or dish is mentioned, and the recipe for making it is given. If you would like to see examples of Recipe Fics, the previous years’ challenge stories are here:

First Recipe Fic Challenge
Recipe Fics 06
Recipe Fics 07

2. Recipes should be given in such a way that the reader could use it to make the dish described. The recipe may be incorporated in the body of the story (but all ingredients and steps must be specified) or the complete recipe may be added at the end of the story. (If the recipe is at the end, it is not considered part of the “length” of the story.)

3. Stories this year do not have a minimum or maximum word-count restriction.

4. Recipes should be something the authors have tried and know to be good.

5. Characters and settings: Any characters and settings from the published fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien. (This may even include tales from his non-Middle-earth fiction, such as "Farmer Giles of Ham" or "Roverandom" or others.)

8. Genre: Any genre

9. Ratings: G to R, no NC-17, please, and clearly label all warnings.

10. Deadline: Stories will be posted on Monday, April 21.

12. Everyone is to post their own story directly to the community. Just be sure to put your story behind a cut so we don't overwhelm everyone's friends pages. We mods will hold the story posts until the 21st of April, so if you wish to post early, that’s all right--we can keep it under wraps until then. Head the story "Recipe Fic: Name of Story by Your Name". And don't forget to tag your story -- In a Pinch 2007. (For that reason, the community will temporarily be on moderated status until the stories are posted.)

13. Previously published stories are eligible if they fit all the other criteria, and were not published in a previous Shire Kitchen Challenge.
Tags: recipe fic challenge, in a pinch 2008,

in a pinch, shire kitchen recipe fic challenge

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