(no subject)

Oct 22, 2007 12:14

A few days ago, pegkerr tagged me for that icon meme, so here is my answer to it...

All of the icons you picked were made especially for me by my friend danachan, who is quite talented that way. In fact, almost all of them were made for me by her, except for my Challenge icons, and two others.

My default icon (and up to recently also my wallpaper) I just love this picture of Bag End--the soft greens, and Gandalf standing there--I can just imagine that he's laughing to himself over the secret mark he's just made on that green door. It seems to me to symbolize the Shire and Bag End just before Adventure first came beckoning. I believe this picture originally came from one of the old LOTR calendars...

I love all four hobbits. My favorite fics always feature all of them. I sent Dana a bunch of pics I loved that showed all four of them, but not all of them were easy for her to "iconize". I really loved the picture I had of them all at the Green Dragon, and as a bonus, Dana made this one animated, so that I could have *all* of them in the picture! While this moment in the film was not canon, it was a lovely one. And I can imagine it taking place perhaps later on, after the Scouring, when the Green Dragon finally reopened...

One of my hobbies is making historical doll costumes. I use Thrift Store Barbie and Ken dolls, and design the patterns myself. These were all made quite some time before we moved away from Mississippi, and are about half the ones I have made. The emerald green Tudor, second from the left, was one of my published designs, back in the mid-90s. I had several patterns published at that time in Doll Designs Magazine. (The magazine is now extinct, alas!)

This is one of my "fancy hats" for SCA. It's based on fifteenth century designs, and is of the type called an "escoffion". I made a wire and buckram framework for it. It's quite pretty to look at, but darned uncomfortable to wear--so I usually only wear it for very special events.

This was "my" Bag End--a model I made a few years ago. I had great fun making it, using styrofoam, moss, wire, polymer clay, acrylic paint, silk flowers, and lots of hot glue. Unfortunately, it got crushed and broken in the move to Oklahoma. So I'm very glad I have pictures of it. Someday I'll make a new one!

The bunny hutch! About three Christmases ago, I made several of these polymer clay "plot bunnies" as gifts to people on my flist. Each one, when sent out, had a little scroll between his paws, with a bunny for a fic I'd like to see written. The purple one in the top row I sent to gamgeefest. She named him "Squiggy", and he has his *own* icon on *her* LJ!

A while back, I was writing some fics about the "older generation" of hobbits, and told danachan that I wished I had some appropriate icons. The mothers were easy: flowers and jewels; Saradoc Brandybuck was "Scattergold", so that wasn't too hard, and for Drogo Baggins, I found an illuminated initial from a "Drogo" manuscript! Paladin Took was a bit harder--but "paladin" is another word for knight... Unfortunately, I *still* haven't come up with anything for "Hamfast"...

Now, if someone else wants, I'll pick some of yours if you comment here--but I won't be able to paste the pictures in--I need Dana for that! LOL!

icons, meme

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