Hello everyone!

Jan 06, 2007 11:41

Things are finally settling down here, and I am taking the chance to post a nice long "catching up" post, for those who are interested.

We arrived here the Monday before Christmas. I had only seen the house twice before we decided to buy it, and was rather taken aback to realize that it was a good deal smaller than I remembered. I was even more taken aback to realize the lack of electrical outlets. They are rather scarce, to say the least!

On Wednesday the movers arrived, and began to unload boxes...and boxes...and boxes...and, well, more boxes. Not to mention our furniture, which suddenly began to seem like trying to fit "Big Folk" furniture into a hobbit-hole! Apparently we have *way* more stuff than house to put it in. The results are that a great many of our things are out in *boxes* in the garage, and awaiting eventual unpacking.

It took us *days* to find all my computer, but now the DH has it up and running, and I am so happy! I *was* able to keep in touch somewhat, through an internet cafe and at the library.

We had a quiet holiday, both Christmas and New Years. I was very pleased at the church we found--it's nice and friendly, and by coincidence, our new next door neighbors are members there.

We are very slowly getting things put together; financially, we are going to be a bit strapped until the closings at the end of the month, but after that is all said and done, we should be better off than ever before. This house will only have a fifteen year mortage, and the payments are going to be about a third less than what we were paying on the other. Insurance is going to be *waaaay* less!! We will also be able to have mortgage insurance once more, something we lost during our last refinance on the other house.

We've had to rearrange our priorities on renovations. Expanding the house and re-doing the kitchen will have to take a back seat for a year or so, we think, as the first thing we have to do is get the place completely re-wired. We also have a few plumbing issues. Nothing major on *that* score, anyway.

I've finally been able to get back to writing, and look forward to seeing my first Marigold's Challenge of the year posted this weekend. danachan has been a lifesaver, posting all my Yuletide fics for me at hobbit_holidays when I was unable to do so! And she's been calling me regularly as well. I hope she's having a lovely weekend and a nice visit with sophinisba right now!

This afternoon, we are going to take a long ride out of town to visit some SCA friends of mine, who relocated to Oklahoma after Katrina. It's about a two or three hour drive, I'm told. I look forward to seeing Lord L. and Lady Z. and their family very much!

Oh--and it's a heck of a lot colder here than it was in Mississippi! *surprise*surprise*

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers!!

moved in

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