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My journal
Some actual photographs!
Jan 02, 2007 23:25
Not only am I posting to my journal more than once a month, I'm actually putting up pictures! Silly me. I guess this is what happens when I'm on vacation and am going slightly crazy.
A very characteristic photo of some of the time I've spent with Snuff Master Slate.
In the dressing room. This is from when I was expressing myself through the power of dance. Pictured here are Julien, Seth, Katie, and Sarah. And me, naturally.
This is me, expressing myself through the power of dance with Ilona. I'll never forgive myself for the rehearsal where I didn't make it in time to catch her. But she was okay. Dancers are tougher than they look, I've found.
This is me and Meg at KoNY. And don't be mistaken, I'm not the pretty one in this picture. Hopefully I will soon actually take my own pictures of game, and will post more of the lovely Meg and the rest of the KoNY crew.
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