Nov 27, 2008 22:46
Now that Thanksgiving is pretty much done, and all the yummy food has been stuffed in our bellies I guess its time for one of America's Favorite passtime's. Why do I say this? Because I swear somewhere deep down people in this country actually love getting up early in the morning the next day to stand outside in line infront of the stores, and then do a mad run as soon as they open to get the great deals. Oh and no worries...I'm not dissing anyone here because I can admit to being one of those crazy people. ^_^
Granted I've had to work on many Black Friday's over the past 9 years at least at Walmart, but somehow I was always able to get the goods before going into work....well that's until this year. In the past years while I worked at Walmart, I was either a Cashier later in the day, or the best times I had was being the Layaway Queen at my old store where it was CRAZY on Black Friday because everyone would rush in line to grab the deals, and then rush over to Layaway to put all those deals on Layaway. It was always a mad house but needless to say it was always a rush as well! Two years ago when Layaway closed was the one year I actually had the entire day off! That was nice! That was the year we stood in line at Staples with the crowd. I was soooo excited and pumped that I barely got any sleep. Then again I guess it doesn't top last year's craziness, where Marc and I dropped an INSANE amount of money. Last year we stood outside of Circuit City at around 4 am and bought lots!
This year...being one of the stronger people for Electronics, I guess my Assistant Mgr. decided it would be good to have me open. I was a little on the fence with this first, 1. being the fact that then I wouldn't be able to buy anything, 2. also being the problem that we decided to have a fundraiser outside of Walmart on Black Friday, which I will get to in a moment. However I've been thinking about it..and I could have switched with Sam and have her open and me come in at 7 am, however at the same time I wanted to experience Black Friday from an Associates point of view, from when the store opens. I heard from others that it's like a STAMPEDE running through the store. I'm pretty much going to be standing guarding the video game cases opening them for customers and grabbing games. It's going to be odd since I'll be very exposed. I heard last year people were pushing all over the place. So this is why I really want to work that early.
Now to my issues. Since I have to work when the store opens, I need Marc or someone else to get my stuff. I still need to review what I really want. I'm almost thinking of having Sam get all my stuff at Walmart, and then have Marc do a run to Target. I really don't think we're doing Circuit City this year. Another good thing is that we're comping Target and Circuit's fliers automatically. So I guess I'll be figuring that out soon.
My other problem was this fundraiser. The thing I'm pissed about is that suddenly all of this got dropped on me. I had to put it together at the last minute and we barely have people there to help. Our plan is to sell coffee and hot coco outside of walmart with some baked goods for customers to buy while they are waiting in line outside in the cold. I know that in the past while I was waiting in line myself, I would always hear people say they wished they could have something warm to drink, or that people would sell them. So I thought this would be perfect! It would be perfect if the people who said they would help at the beginning would actually not bale out on it. I know some had plans change and ended up going home, but then this needs to be said early enough. I guess we'll see how this works.
Cassie was sweet enough to ask to borrow Cambrio's from the DC, to keep the hot coco warm. I got two coffeemakers and right now we're testing them. Sam was nice enough to help bake some cookies for this too. Now I just hope that people buy from us....I hope we make all the money back and then some. So yea...I was very frustrated earlier since I feel like it's always me running it all the time and putting all the effort into it, but now I'm just excited for the day.
I'm thinking of bringing my camera with me to get footage of people coming in, just because I want to see how crazy it gets.
So I think I'll stop for now. I'm still debating if I just want to take a two hour nap since we have most of our things together, and don't have to gather till 3 am. But I better get upstairs and get my things together. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with you and your family. I was greatful for many things, especially my family! If you're joining the Black Friday maddness...have fun, but try to not run people over! ^_^
night night y'all! <3
black friday