Oct 02, 2005 00:04

Okay...I'm going to keep this post short for now...since I want to talk to Marc and stuff. I'll probably write more later about stuff that happend today at work. no's all good of course!

Also...we are planning a HUGE! and mean HUGE!! Halloween party! So yea...stay tuned we'll be posting about it!

Here are some pics of our fun fun fun night. Beaware..LOTS OF PICS!! Plus..if you REALLY want to see Dan's me or IM me..hehe I'll be nice and not post it for EVERYONE to see...^_^

dan startin' it up! can imagine

can you tell he's like horny and very buzzed?! hahah

bernard, britney and jen..

the BFF's hhehehe Cassie and Britney

time to set up another round of beer pong!

hehe boooze

looks like we're getting ready for a new game!

heheh jess and Adrian...jess drinkin' it up!

fun shit!!

Kate and Britney huge ass..yea...not sure why someone took a pic of that

WTF jess..kicking me rawrrr

dan getting nuts of the tables!

Mike doing spins on the floor

Bernard showin' his moves!

Dan doing jumps on the floor!

...and trying to strip..LOL

Cassie..reaaaaally lovin' the drinks! hehehe

PARTY PEOPLE!!!! Vincent, Kate, Adrian, Britney, Bernard, Me, Cassie, Mike, Jess and Jen. hahah...poor Dan was stuck taking the picture...fucking awesome picture!

heheheh part two!!

Jen and the gang playing Asshole!

me...early in the



tonights sushi! yum!

very yummy!!

So yea...hehe I hope you all like it!!

Yea..what a great night! I want comments people..heheh usually I don't care..but especially the crew that came should comment away! heheeh!!
oooo i need to post pics of the talking Stewie I bought! haha...and the teddy. I'm off for now! feast away! ^_^

Baby I love you so much!! I can't wait to see you in november!! ♥

laterz everyone!!

pics, franklin st. parties, sushi

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