heeeee...but still sick..bah

Feb 18, 2005 03:48

honestly..I'm just too tired to put tonights funny shit....still semi-high from meds...and I guess all this sleeping made me not tired..but I need the sleep, coz I need to get well all the way! so I will post things later on today quickly...trust me..it's funny shit you want to read...

besides that..i'm getting there...should be finally done with it by this weekend, and should be able to work by Saturday. Since I won't be recovered yet by later today, I'm using this day to catch up with all the shit I have to do for classes...::sigh:: Still...big big thanks go to Sam - for saving my big ass serveral times this week!!! luv ya dear! hehe plus Sarah for dealing with my royal-highness (both of them especially on the ride INTO concord). LMAO...

for my family for just taking soooooooooooooooooooo good care of me!!! <3333333333333333 I came through the door and they were all over me already...i wuv them to pieces!

and of course my friends for also dealing with me..still semi-high at times but always there for a good laugh. yay for being funny for once! or twice..hehe...

mmm...and for marc..who well..made my night by calling me and saying honey over the phone. holy shit..it sounded sooooo cute i could never get enough of it! and other things but I'll be good..heheh <333

me gooo...so i get better! more later..i promise! night night and comment away! *huggles* ♥
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