fun days...and no energy to pack

Jan 16, 2005 01:51

Well besides with of course LJ being down for a day...LOL..that was funny to see many people be bored. Who knew LJ was part of a daily routine for many of us. hehe..oh well. It's back, and that's cool!

Friday was my last day at work, which was okay. I did get the transfer to the Keene Wal-Mart, so YAY for that. At least I don't have to worry about a job, and hopefully not worry too much about money either. We'll see....

Still need to order my plane tickets, but mom is being a pain about it. gah! Appearntly the fam was going to get me the tickets as a birthday gift...and now she's blabbing around. I told her I don't have the money for it right now, because I had to pay my phone bill, and bill to fix my car. I already gave up Anime Boston, if she's going to make me give up seeing my best friend, I'm going to be beyond pissed! I haven't seen Claudia in 6 damn years, Solveig's seen her friends several times, this is my turn to see my best friend again, and dammit I will! I miss her soo much!

Leave it to mom to also try to bribe me in loosing weight. I need to loose 20 lbs, and then she'll give me the keys to the Keene house. WTF! whatever...I am going to really try to lose it, but I can't promise anything. ::Sigh::

Anyway...Greg's been here since Friday night ^_^!! Saturday was fun. Picked up Jess, and the three of us went to the Red Apple Chinese Buffet. Soooo yummy as always..and YAY for sushi! God I love sushi! <333 Then we went to Atlantic Traders, bought some DVD's, then we went to Best Buy & Target to walk around, then payed off my damn cell bill..grr..then brought Jess back home. Very very fun day! I always have fun when Jess is around, and I think when I have Jess and Greg it's double the fun! We're a fun group to be around I think.

Had more homemade chinese food for dinner, got my bags from the attic and showed Greg the artwork I did last year. Also took some pictures of them, so I might post them tomorrow, depending on where I am and what's going on.

Oh yeah...again..if you didn't hear. I told Kate that I was going to come to the party she's having, but I'm having a hard time getting myself to pack stuff tonight, plus I just don't know if I want to leave tomorrow. Grams is saying how she's not done with my laundry yet, since she wasn't expecting me to leave till Monday. Plus..maybe watching the game with just Greg would be nice. ::sigh:: I honestly don't know. I just don't think I'll be packed in time to make it to Keene, before the game to unpack. gah..So to my peeps in Keene going tomorrow..we may or may not come. Sorry. I just don't know why my mind and body is having a hard time packing up. :-( to cuddle with my sweetie, since I've missed him a lot over the weeks I haven't seen him. so of course..comment, since I love hearing from you all!! <33 safe trip back to school everyone this weekend!

night night ♥
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