May 03, 2004 14:53
I spent all of Saturday night and most of Sunday morning in the emergency room, followed by LND (labor and delivery). I went over to KJ's old apartment to get some of his things and also some of mine that are there (a computer and stereo) but he refused to let them go because KJ owes him rent money and he was holding them as rent. This bothered me for two reason:
1- shit wasn't his
2- he lied and say that it was only KJ's stuff when GODDAMNIT -everyone- said it was my stuff
SO- I told the asshole I wasn't leaving until I got my things back. They're my things and he doesn't have the right to keep them. The asshole put his hands on me and started to pull me out of the front door. I told him to kindly take his hands off of me. He wouldn't. I started to kick him. He let go. I still wasn't going to leave without my things, so the asshole grabbed me again. KJ was starting to get pissed by this time so I told him to get Jonny, who was there with us, to assit me in removing my things. As KJ was walking away, Tomari grabbed me and flung me against a wall. AGAINST A MOTHER FUCKING WALL. And it wasn't a gentle moving, it was a fucking throw. I got up and started swinging and kicking the shit out of him and KJ came and hit him in the head with a coffee can and started hitting him, too. He eventually stopped and I went to get Jonny, but KJ, like a fool, didn't stay there. I called the police and not only wouldn't they not file assault charges on him, they wouldn't make him give the items back to me. So I'm assed out of my stuff and I start hurting (what I later found out were contractions). I rushed over to SW Memorial and stayed in the emergency room for a few hours and then was transfered to the LND because they wanted to monitor me in case I was going to go into labor. I stayed there for about an hour and went home around 3 in the morning.
There is something going on with the baby - I feel it. I don't know if emotions account for anything, but I really have a generally feeling that something is not right.
And I am going to do something to that mother fucker. I can lose material things, but my baby I won't. He could have sent me into labor early and the baby wouldn't have been able to survive outside of me yet. If I had lost her, Tomari would have lost his life. Not due to me, but because of the other people that care about this baby.
Either way, he'll pay. I don't have any doubt about it.