Shaking off the weird feelings...

Mar 25, 2002 10:49

The dream(s) I had last night were an odd mish-mash of everything I'd been around yesterday... sort of...

It was one huge building that was my church, the bowling alley, my church basement, the White Hen Pantry, and a few other familiar places but all squished into one building...

I was trying to get together with Ricky at this strange party... and at one point as we were walking toward the doors (which were the doors from the bowling alley), he turned to me and said something close to "There ain't no one on this block that'll have you!" and he said it so wrathfully that I ran back toward the bathroom (which was the lockerroom at the bowling alley)... I was so devisted... my heart literally hurt... I cried, sobbed so hard...

After awhile I composed myself and went back out and found out that Ricky was waiting outside for me... the scene shifted into a now costume-party and I was in this strapless lacey dress that was like it was for a ball or something... and this other girl (who was a friend in my dream but I've never seen her in waking life) was also dresse that way but her dress was a different colour and slightly different style...

Anyway, Ricky comes in and finds us and says, "Come one let's get out of here and go for a drive." As we walked out the doors (again the bowling alley doors) Ricky tried to take my hand and I pulled it away.

What floored me next about this dream was that the other guy who was going to drive, was none other than my first boyfriend, Ricky's best friend! I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment and Jamie turned to me and said, "You gonna ride in back with Rick or up front with me?" Well I rode in front because I was still mad at Ricky for the hurtful comment he'd made to me.

We drove around my neighborhood, Ricky and Jamie's neighborhood and it was almost like old times...

I don't remember any more than that... but that was powerful enough. I'm not sure what to make of any of it right now...
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