(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 21:32

do you ever have those crazy coincidental experiences, where you read something exactly as you hear it? i think sometimes it's totally random, but i don't write off the possibility that you subconciously put two and two together. like this song was just playing, and i was looking through my dvds, and whamo, double dose "dr. strangelove."

that's happened to me a few times in the past little while. and a while ago i got a rash. turned out to be shingles/hep b; they're the same thing essentially. but it's not like i had come within 10 feet of anybody for months... well i thought i was dying. i felt terrible. i thought i was going to die. it was an interesting day, walking around, going everywhere and thinking, 'hey, it doesn't matter, i'm gonna fucking die." but i didn't. sure was thought provoking though.

speaking of strange things, the other day my landlord's dog milo was hanging out with me. and i asked her something... and she winked at me. i was like... whoa, i'm not even on any substances. so i was like, milo, did you just wink at me? and she blinked really hard, the second i finished my sentence. not like a normal blink, but a scrunch your eyes shut blink. i was thinking 'wicked... what now?' she just sat there looking at me, and i was just looking at her. and we finally both just went back to what we were doing.

damn new age hippies.
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