Oct 06, 2006 12:02
My poor computer has a virus and I will not see it for a week.
This weekend I will be at the library mostly, and not at either job. Oh, funny thing about those jobs of mine. I have added another one to my collection. I have to decide now, which one shall I leave? I think I will no longer be a delivery driver. I would like my car to have a long life. I'd also like to get some gear heads together and help me fix it up. I like my old piece crap car. It doesn't matter if the A/C hasn;'t worked all summer or if the glass is cracked and the seats are nasty, or that it sometimes needs a break after a night out...One day it will be as beautiful to everyone, like it is to my right this very minute.
I think it would be fun to be a gear head.
I think it would be fun to be a hippie.
I want to go on a pick-nick in a park and forget my papers in English and French, books that have to be analyzed, vocabulary words and philosophies on teaching.