A while back, I saw a picture of Jim Beaver at some Supernatural con wearing a shirt that said "I Read John/Bobby Slash." The show has done such a wonderful job of making John such a complete and total bastard that my first reaction was "Bobby can do so much better than John."
They actually managed to make John even more of a bastard tonight. I'd like to say I'm impressed, but I'm just angry and sad. It was one thing when John was this obsessive warrior who couldn't even let his sons get in the way of exacting revenge for the death of his beloved wife. To find out that he knocked up some chick and was a better dad to that kid that he only met at 12 than he was to the two boys he knew all their lives.
It's not enough to send Dean to hell and have him kick off the apocalypse after being treated as a soldier - Daddy's blunt little instrument - his entire life and then give someone else the father he should have had. I'm glad he beat the ghoul's head in and I'm also glad he gave Adam a hunter's funeral.
It was a good episode, but my heart kept breaking for Dean. He's earned better than that.
Oh, and Thank God/Kripke that somebody finally admitted that John and Sam are almost exactly alike.