Mmmm...a hot bath cures all. Seriously. I feel much more invigorated and alive now. So, not much has really happened in the past few days. I started my new job, and, while it's not the most enjoyable thing [please, tell me who loves their job?] it is a source of income. Which is much needed. Plus Indigo is there [when we work the same times] and that is always a bonus to anything. Can't say much else of interest has happened and I just don't feel like writing a nice, detailed description of my nights at work. I will say my Carpel Tunnel syndrome stuff started acting up really, really bad tonight after refilling the ice at hand would shake terribly if I lifted anything [even my drink] and I couldn't get it to move when I tried wrapping know, when your hands or feet fall asleep and they're hard to move? That's what it was like. Icky, icky. It's better now, but it still feels odd.
Anyway, I'm going to go...I'm really paranoid that I'm going to miss a phone call or something. Despite the fact that it's very late, I rarely ever get phone calls, and...well, no one has any reason to call me [unless they're doing it because they like me, but hey...who likes me that much?]. Meep.
Here's a
- Name: Brittany
- Have you ever "legally" changed your name: No, but I've thought about it.
- Besides getting married: No.
- Nickname(s): Dreamer, Dreams, Brit, Bit-bit, Freak
- Why do you have your current nickname: Well, "Dreamer" is my alter-ego, and besides that everyone finds me to be a dreamy kind of person. I tend to have that odd, dazed look of being lost consistantly in a daydream. And "Dreams" was just a shortened form, given as an endearment from Katie.
- Birthday: February 3rd.
- Age: 17
- Born In - A hospital of all places, would you believe it?
- Live In: Virginia...
- Have Lived In: The city opposite this one...went from ghetto-ville to I live on the outskirts between the two.
- Famous person people think you look like: None that I know of.
- Do you agree: I agree that I hold no resemblence to anyone famous.
- Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
- Do you like them: They keep me from getting headaches when I remember to wear them.
- Hair Color: Copper-red
- Is it real: No, it's naturally dark brown.
- Eye Color: Green-gray
- Is it real: Yes...and apparently they're pretty too.
- Height (roughly): 5'3 give or take a half
- Do you like it: I'm good with it, though it becomes annoying when I can't see over people in the halls.
- Weight (see height): 110...or so, I think. I'm not nearly as small as everyone seems to think.
- Are you happy with it: My brain tells me I'm fat, but that's just the disorder talking. I know I'm not.
- Can you do anything about it: Yes. Straighten out my eating habits and start exercising more.
- Realistically (i.e. w/o Surgery): Yes, if I work at it.
- Describe what you look like: Small frame, short hair, reflectively pale, 'dreamy' look...
- Do you like yourself: I don't, but I'm trying to improve. I don't meet up to my expectations.
- What are you most afraid of: Abandonment. The meer thought of my friends disliking me turns me into a nervous, sobbing wreck.
- Does it bother you often: Yes, it's there every moment of my life, but I'm getting better at repressing it so that it only appears once or twice every few months.
- Most Embarrassing Moment: Running head first into a ladder. It's been in the same place for two years or so, and I go past it everyday and yet...I still hit it.
A Little about Your FAMILY...
- Do/Did you have only two parents: Yes.
- Do/Did you have more than three: No
- Parent's names: Rhonda and Robert
- Parent's Ages: 44;45
- Parent's Birthdays: April 21st; September 14th
- Do you think your parents are attractive: I've honestly never even thought about it.
- Almost too attractive: No.
- Ever heard of Sigmund Freud: Mepe.
- Siblings: No.
- Siblings' Ages: N/A
- Siblings' Birthdays: N/A
- Do you think your sibling(s) are attractive: If I had any, no I wouldn't.
- Pets' names: Cuddles [lab/coonhound], Topsey [lab/coonhound], Pietro [kitty from hell]
- Two Words (Pet(s) Attractive): No, sorry...those rumors were a lie!!
- Does your family go on vacations together: Used to, but we stropped.
- Last Family Vacation: The beach about 4-5 years ago.
- Next Family Vacation: Probably never.
- Do you Loathe them: Yes, because it means being stuck in a tiny ass beach house [being at the beach is bad enough] with all of my extended family.
- Do you get along with your family otherwise: Not usually.
- Have you ever said you hated you're parents/siblings: No. I've said lots of things, but never that I hate them.
- Do you and your parents have things in common: Well...we're all pretty misanthropic...
- Do you and your(or one of) your sibling(s) have things in common: No sibs'.
A little about your FUTURE PLANS...
- Describe your perfect man/woman: Someone with a similar personality to my own...someone that would accept and love me as I am.
- Where are you going to live: Hmm...doesn't matter.
- Do you want to have kids (or more): Oh, god no!
- Your future kids names (If any): ....
- Dream Car: Black hearse, decorated with a painting upon either side of a misty graveyard beneath the full moon.
- Dream House: Identical to the Addams' Family mansion...with lots of critters too.
- Dream Job: Crime Scene Investigator.
- Are you going to College: Maybe.
- Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs, and don't be afraid to type a lot: Maybe in college, either for something artsy or forensic, probably still hanging around or sharing housing with a friend or two.
- Where do you see your self in 10 years, see above ^_^: Hopefully out of college, doing something useful.
- More important (to you) Career or Family: Family [not necesarrily blood related]
Have you EVER...
- Loved somebody so much it makes you hurt/cry: Yes;
- Someone who wasn't related to you: Yes.
- Drank alcohol: No.
- Enjoyed it: N/A
- Enjoyed it WAY too much: N/A
- Admitted it later: N/A
- Smoked: Yes
- Do you still smoke: No
- Other than tobacco: No.
- Done other drugs: No
- Broken the law: Yes.
- A Major Law: Nothing huge.
- Ran away from home: No. Thought about it though
- Broken a bone (or two): Yes.
- Cheated on a test: Once or twice, not anymore. I don't trust people enough to copy them.
- Skinny dipped: No.
- Was it fun: N/A
- Did you do it again later: N/A
- Played strip poker: No.
- Finished the game: N/A
- Lost: N/A
- ...On purpose: N/A
- Played Truth Or Dare: Yes.
- Mooned Someone: Once, but there was a story behind it all...
- Flashed someone: No.
- Kissed someone: No. I don't really kiss things.
- ...french kissed: No.
- didn't know: N/A
- Been on a blind date: No. I don't trust people that much.
- ...did it work out: N/A
- Been on a talk show/Game show: No.
- ...did you win: N/A
- Been in a fight: Yes.
- ...with a good friend: No.
- ...with someone you didn't know: Yes.
- Been out of your country: No
- Been on an airplane: No! Nothing in the sky!
- ...because of work: No.
- Been across the world: No.
- Rode in a fire truck: No.
- Rode in a police (policia) car: No.
- ...w/o a choice: No.
- Come close to dying: No, but I've felt like it before.
- ...did you see "the light": No.
- Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend: Never.
- ...did they find out: No...didn't do it, wouldn't do it.
- ...did YOU tell them: I'd tell them, if I did it, but I wouldn't's not really a question of whether or not I would tell them or not.
- Cheat on Husband/Wife: N/A
- ...did they find out: N/A
- ...did YOU tell them: N/A
- ...did they forgive you: N/A
- ...was it because they cheated too: N/A
- Been given a piggy back/shoulder ride: Yes...Ashley gave me one today actually.
- ...gave one in return: No...I can't pick anyone up :( I'm weak.
- a stranger: No.
- Made a worm/mud pie: No.
- ...eaten one: NoNo.
- ...made somebody else eat one: No
- Been in a sauna: No.
- ...nude: Definatly not.
- ...was it co-ed: No.
- Swam in the ocean: Yes...once upon a time.
- more than two oceans: No.
- ...swam in Every ocean: ....
- Had a nightmare that made you wake up: Nearly every night.
- ...did you die: In a lot of nightmares, but in general its' the dreams where other things happen that scare me the most.
- ...was it WAY too realistic: The ones that scare me the most are.
- Had a dream that made you wake up: Yes
...was it erotic: No, I don't believe I've ever had an erotic dream.
What do you think about...
- Is Marriage a stupid idea: Hmm...No, not if it's what you want. I don't really see a need for people to engage in it, but that's just me.
- Abortion (need i say more): Not as a form of birth control, but I believe you should have the right to choose.
- Bill Clinton: No real opinion on the matter.
- Country Music: In hell maybe...
- Alternative Music: Some of it is fun.
- Heavy Metal: I like headbanging...kills my braincells.
- Classical: Great for inspiration.
- Rap: Crap.
- Hip-Hop: Bad. Dislike it all.
- Ska: Couldn't really form an opinion.
- House: Same as above.
- Acid: Same as above.
- Oldies: Depends.
- ...what's old to you: I've honestly not thought about it. I guess anything pushing 50 years.
- Soap Operas: A horrid annoyance.
- Talk Shows: Amusing sometimes, but they rot your brain.
- Animals: I love animals.
- Humans in General: I tend to dislike humanity, we have a lot of faults and we destroy the world...yet I can't help remembering that some of my favorite things are humans...[I shouldn't call them "things"..]
- Chores: If I have to do them. I've no problem with it. Unless it involves the cat.
- Allowances: I enjoy means I can buy gifts for people ^_^
- Ugly Guys/Girls: I try not to think of people in terms of "beautiful" and "ugly". I feel badly judging, because I'm not pretty myself.
- ...what's ugly to you: ...
- Amusement parks: They're alright, if with friends. I'm not a big fan of rides or anything, but I can stomach them [a bit anyway]
- Museums: Depends on the current exhibits, but in general I enjoy them.
- ...Favorite type: The one downtown with the CSI thing we need to go to!
- The person that sent this to you: I swiped it from a journal,
aliatallon...she seems like a very nice person.
What IS...
- Your good luck charm: The lock Indigo gave me, my ankh.
- ...does it work: My lock has done wonders.
- The worst song you've ever heard: I don't know the names, but god there are some bad ones out there.
- Best song you've ever heard: "Absolution" by Gary Numan is still my favorite.
- The most embarrassing CD,Tape,Vinyl,Etc in your collection: I dunno. I'm not really ashamed of my CDs.
- Your bedroom like: Purple walls, lots of wolf pictures, dream catchers, black futon, lots of pillows and random items.
- ...bed itself: A full-size futon with three blankets on it, 10 pillows.
- ...hard/soft: Soft.
- ...Do you like it: Yes ^_^
- Your favorite thing for breakfast: I actually like grits with gravey...shut up.
- you even eat breakfast: No. Not usually.
- Your favorite thing for lunch: I rarely eat lunch, so it doesn't matter.
- you even eat lunch: Hardly ever.
- Your favorite thing for dinner: Chinese anything
- you even eat dinner: Yes, it's my one meal.
- Your house/appt like: Nice I suppose...I hate that bird bath/
- you like it: Damn the fucking bird bath!!!
- Your favorite Restaurant: Shanghai
- ...what style of food do they serve: Chinese.
- Your Worst Nightmare: As amusing as it was probably the dream in which I found myself seated on my bed listening to Indigo shout, scream, and insult me, telling me all sorts of things--like how much she hated me and never loved me and wanted me to die and stuff. Then she just left, and I sat there and cried, and I woke up. It was really realistic too, which was what scared me.
- dream: I'm not sure...I don't often have pleasent dreams. Usually they're nightmares.
Which is BETTER...
If any set of options doesn't exist where you live,
type in your your own, and give your choice.
- Oranges or apples: Oranges.
- ...Bananas or Oranges: Oranges
- ...Apples or Pears: Apples. Apples.
- ...Plums or Apricots: Plums
- ...Tangerines or Peaches: Tangerines.
- One pillow or two: Twelve...
- ...Feather or Fake: Fake.
- Deaf or blind: Neither, if I could prefer.
- Pools or hot tubs: Hot tubs.
- tub or jacuzzi: There's a difference?
- Blondes or brunettes: The darker the better.
- ...blondes or red heads: Red *snark*
- heads or brunettes: Doesnt' matter.
- Tall or short: Hmm...depends.
- ...overweight or underweight: Both have disadvantages.
- TV or Radio: TV, because there are more options.
- ...Radio or CDs: CDs because I know I like the music on them.
- ...TV or Movies: Movies. No commercials.
- ...Music or Computer: Computer
- ...Music & Computer: If my speakers are friendly...
- ...Telephone or TV: Telephone...depending.
- ...Telephone & TV: It's hard to do both.
- Bike or Rollerblades: I'll kill myself on both.
- ...Jog or Rollerblade: Jpg.
- ...Bike or Jog: Jog
- ...Jog or Swim: Jog!!! No swimming...swimming bad.
- Dress or Skirt: Skirt.
- ...skirt or skort: Skirt.
- Solid or Stripes: Solid.
- T-shirt or Tank top: Tank-top.
- Sweet or Dill Pickels: Dill
- to, or ON the sandwhich: Next to.
- Chips or Popcorn: Chips!
- Cookies or Cake: Hmm...Cake actually.
- Peace/ying yang/smiley face: Peace thinger.
- Beanie Babies/Star Wars: Beanie babies, there's a coyote one.
- McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy's: Eh. They all taste the same.
- Dairy Queen, TCBY, or 31 Flavs: Doesn't make a difference.
- Beach or Pool: Neither.
- ...indoor pool or outdoor pool: Neither.
- ..."normal" beach or nude beach: Neither.
- Movie Theater or Rent: Theater.
- Garage Sales, Flea Market or Thrift Store: I enjoy all three.
- Wal-Mart, K-Mart or Target: I hate Wal-Mart with a fiery passion.
- E-mail or Snail Mail: Email, it's quicker
- Day or Night: Night. No sun, and it's dark.
- Spring or Autumn: I like both. Spring is warm, and I love that...but Autumn is so beautiful.
- ...winter or summer: Summer, because it's warm...winter is much more lovely though.
- ...autumn or summer: Autumn.
- ...spring or summer: Spring.
- ...autumn or winter: Autumn.
- ...spring or winter: Spring.
- Big or Small Envelopes: I don't use them enough to care.
- Staple or PaperClip: Staples, because you can inject them in your skin ^___^
- Swing or Slide: Swing, because if you close your eyes you get really dizzy.
- Boxers, Briefs, or Bare: None of those.
- Brasier or Gravity (i did not write this one): A...Hah.
- Romeo or Juliet: I liked it when they died....actually, it was kind of touching. In a romantic sort of way.
- Mickey or Minnie: Mickey, he seemed to be more violent.
- V-necks or Scoop neck: Neither.
- Crest, Colgate, or Aquafresh: Hmm....Crest, I suppose.
- Panteen Pro-V, Herbal Essences, or Other: Herbel Essences, Matrix, Panteen Pro-V, Raver....
ARE/Were you...
- A Vegetarian: No, but I tried.
- ... a TRUE Vegetarian: No. I like things that bleed.
- A Good Student: Eh...Not really.
- ...Bad Student: Not exactly...I just didn't get very good grades.
- ...on purpose: I suppose. If I motivated myself I could be better.
- A Good Driver: Yes, though not legally.
- ...Bad Driver: Yes, on purpose...
- Good At Sports: No. Not at all.
- ...Which: ....
- A Good Singer: I have no opinion, and I've never asked anyone else.
- others agree: I don't know, they've never heard me.
- A good Actor/Actress: No. I blush too much, and get very nervous.
- ...ever been in theatre: No!
- ...tried out for a Broadway Show: Oh god no!
- ...tried out in HollyWood: No!
- A Good Dancer: Not really.
- ...Ballroom: I'm better at this then any other.
- ...Spanish: Never tried.
- ...Country: Not gonna try.
- ...House or Techno: Dunno.
- Shy: Pretty much. I'm getting better though.
- ...too shy shy: I used to be.
- ...Outgoing: Not really.
- ...too outgoing: No.
- ...stop me i'm flirting again: Oh, hardly. I don't flirt with anyone [except maybe Ashley]
- A good storyteller: I can be, or at least I used to be.
- ...written your own: No, but I want to.
- Sexy: God no.
- ... all the time: Nope.
- ... does he/she agree: I've never asked her.
- Beautiful: Some people say I'm "cute" or "pretty" [or "right purdy" =p]
- you still feel that way: No, I think I'm quite ugly.
- ...have you always felt that way: That I'm ugly? Yes.
Have you EVER HAD...
- Cold: Yes.
- Flu: Yes. Twice this year.
- Strep Throat: Yes.
- Chicken Pox: Yes.
- Scarlet Fever: No.
- Bloody nose: Yes.
- ...because YOU did something stupid: Yes...I broke the damned thing.
- Black Eye: Yes.
- ...because YOU did something stupid: It was an accident.
- Stitches: Yes.
- ...because YOU did something stupid: No, I was little so it doesn't count.
- Broken Bone: Yes.
- ...because YOU did something stupid: Yes...
- Cavity: No
- you brush everyday: Yes.
- Surgery: No.
- ...many times: ....
- Cancer: No.
- you still: ....
- it serious: ....
- Heart Attack: No.
- ...Bypass: No.
- ...Transplant: No.
- Someone say they hate you: Yes, and other things as well, but that's alright.
- ...behind your back: People say a lot of things about me behind my back, but as I's perfectly fine.
- Someone say they love you: Yes, every single day.
- ...besides your family: Yes, generally it's the person[s] not related to me anyway.
- Someone punch you: Yes.
- ...but not in the shoulder: Yes.
- Enjoy parks: If they arent' filled with children.
- ...enjoy flying kites: Into power lines ^_^
- ...playing frisbee: I'm actually good at that.
- Like Picnics: Not really, there are bugs.
- ...make the food yourself: No.
- you own a picnic basket: No.
- ...make the basket yourself: ....
- Like Schools: They're alright, I just dislike most of the people there.
- Wet the bed: No.
- ...but did you: When I was really, really little and in diapers.
- Collect anything: I collect lots of things. Fetus paraphenalia, CSI merchandise, dream catchers, My Little Ponies...etc, etc.
- ...are they valuable: I doubt it. Maybe some things.
- Like to sing: If I'm in a really good mood or hyper.
- Like to go shopping: It really depends....I enjoy it when I have money or when I'm with a friend.
- Like to Party: Not big parties...just small gatherings of one or two close friends.
- Get in trouble alot: Here lately, yes....but a lot of the time it's all a misunderstanding.
- Wear make-up: Sometimes eyeliner.
- ...only at night: No.
- Chew your food before swallowing: Yes, that's why I haven't died yet.
- ...exactly 20 times: No.
- Like to annoy people: No, I actually try my best not to piss people off.
- to help people: Not really, I prefer to leave them alone.
- ...go out of your way to do either: If I really like the person I'll go to hell and back to help them.
- Think you've found your soulmate: Maybe. Possibly.
- ...why do you think that: She makes me feel complete, she always has. When I met her it was as though I had found something I lost a long time ago.
- Ever get a tattoo: I've considered it.
- ...what would it be: I've always wanted a wilted, black rose.
- ...already have one: No.
- ...more than one: No.
- Ever get any body parts pierced: Yes.
- ...besides your ears: Yes.
- ...would/will you: I want to so badly...lip and eyebrow. And redo my ears a few times.
- Have sex with someone you didn't know for 1 million dollars: No. Never.
- ...for 10,000 dollars: No.
- ...for 1,000 dollars: No.
- ...for 100 dollars: No.
- ...have you already: No.
- Kill someone you didn't know for 1 million dollars: If I knew I wouldn't get caught...
- ...for 100,000 dollars: Same as above.
- ...for 1,000 dollars: Same as above.
- ...for 5 bucks: Same as above.
- ...have you already: Same as above.
- Be someone's friend if they were crippled: Yes.
- ...if they were homeless: Yes.
- ...if they had a life threating illness: Yes.
- Would you STOP being a friend if they became crippled: No.
- ...if they got AIDS: No.
- ...if they went Bankrupt: No.
- ...if they became Homeless: No.
- ...if they had Cancer: No.
- ...if they said they loved you: Of course not!
- ...if they LATER said they were a homosexual: Of course not!
- If you were stuck on a planet which one person would you want with you: Ashley. No need to even think about it. I'd miss all my other friends, but definatly her.
- If someone offered you a small part in a movie would you accept: ...depends...doubtfully.
- ...before they told you want about the movie: Doubtful
- ...after they told you it was a nude scene: Definatly not. Nudity is bad.
- Do you think you can fall in love at any age: Yes. Love is love.
- ...have you: Yes.
- Would you ever get married before the age of 20: No.
- ... before 18: No.
- ... before 14: Well I missed that chance....
- ... have you: No. I did a while ago.
Did I post this already?
Am I cute?:
Am I crazy?:
Am I loveable?:
Am I funny?:
Am I annoying?:
Am I psycho?:
Am I fun to hang out with?:
Am I a good person?:
Miss me if I was gone?:
Listen to my problems?:
Hug me if I cried?:
Consider me a good friend?:
Ever go out with me?:
Kiss me?:
Marry me?:
When's my birthday?:
What school do I go to?:
Who is my best friend?:
Favorite color?:
Favorite movie/s?:
Do I prefer night or day?:
Do I prefer to see the movie or read the book?:
Do I prefer rain or snow?:
Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?:
Comment on my clothes/style, what would you say?:
What do you love about me?:
What do you hate about me?:
What is my best quality?:
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?:
What is your honest opinion of me?