Sep 29, 2006 09:29
I'm really enjoying this class.
The class discussion is amazing. Right now we're discussing the topic of homosexuality.
I find myself pleased and invigorated that all but one person in a class of forty is pro-choice for people who want to have a same-sex relationship.
The discussions of articles pro and con for homosexual liberation is great as well. I find myself fascinated by men, actually men in the class, speaking up and giving very valid and noteworthy reasons why homosexuality is neither wrong or unusual.
Like the postcard my professor passed out to the class: "Heterosexuality is not normal- it's just common."
I was impressed with myself because of the points I offered in class.
We were discussing an article by Levin, who REALLY is against homosexual liberation. He was especiallyl against it because to him, homosexuality is similiar to a genetic disease such as sickle cell anemia and schizophrenia.
Anyway, one point that Levin seemed to fall back on, was that biologically homosexuality was unnatural because homosexuals, especially homosexual men, practice anal sex.
I actually raised my hand (blushing beet red), and pointed out. "Homosexual men are not the only people who participate in anal sex. Heterosexual couples have been known to do this as well."
My professor commended me on that point, saying that because of my point, Levin has false validity in his arguement. ^__^
Anyway, I'm just personally pleased that an entire class of people are so open to sexual practices and homosexuality (not that I've practiced any personally). It's great to know how accepting people are, even if they themselves are not a 'homosexual', or are more promiscious in their sexual activities.