Quick note before pain killers kick in

Jan 05, 2012 11:25

So instead of going to Walk In clinic, due to being told the wrong hours, mom took me to ER. The pain in my ear indescribeable.

Turns out doctor suspects an inner AND an outter ear infection…he can’t even SEE the ear drum, no matter using a probe and doing irrigation to try and remove ear wax and stuff. He’s cautious and suspects a blown ear drum. TAT

So now I have prescriptions for oral antibiotic, ear drop antibiotics that are MEANT to be put into ear, with the odds of there having been a blown ear drum. AND pain pills.

Here’s hoping that I will FINALLY be pain free, and also start to recuperate. Not going back to work until Tuesday. And I have instructions to follow up with my regular doctor in three to five days.

Now I think I shall go curl up on the couch and sleepy for a time.
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