...And I'm pretty sure I know what it is.
As 7 years of court battles over a tomato (
South Park reference) Terri Schiavo has finally died. This woman's spirit is finally with whatever higher power she believed in. She's finally at peace, and no longer a spectacle, or a circus or some doctor's excuse to be interviewed on CNN/MSNBC/input name of any media outlet in USA. The other 72 members of the hospice will have peace and quiet and can pass along to their next life without religious heathens storming the building with buckets of ice or jugs of water.
Grieving and mourning family members will have some peace and quiet, and hopefully everyone can move on.
The reason I even bring this up, is because whilst checking out all of the news stories today (before the
announcement.) I came across so many other stories that deserve as much, if not more, heartfelt attention.
A horrifying example is the newly formed, exclusively male-membered,
Missionaries for the Gospel of Life, their mission is the lobby Congress and conduct voter registrations to
ban abortions and euthanasia. Hurrah!
Another example is President Duh's Panel
placing the blame on "America's Spy Agencies" for being "dead wrong" about the WMD's in Iraq. Right.
Or how about this gem? I read a story on yahoo yesterday (unfortunately, due to the Terri Schiavo story I'm unable to locate the story today) but it was a report by the UN saying that we are killing our planet faster then expected, and if we dont' figure out something soon - we won't have anything left. Nevermind Social Security going "bankrupt" in 2041, the planet may be too toxic for anyone to care by then.
I just think that there are so many other important things that we should be upset and stand up against. How many people would really want EVERY PERSON IN THE COUNTRY to be involved in your business? Do you really think Terri Schiavo (who obviously had self esteem issues due to the fact she had an eating disorder) would have really been comfortable with having videos & audio of her in that condition broadcast on cable news networks 24/7? Do you really think a woman who loved "animals, music & basketball" would have wanted to her husband & parents fighting the way they were? I mean, if you were to take a step back and consider everything that has happened with this story in the last 14 days, wouldn't YOU have wanted the plug pulled too? I mean, I wanted to remove my own feeding tube after this.
I also demand to know whose idea it was to either a) photoshop make-up and a fancy shirt on Terri or b) who ACTUALLY put make-up and a fancy shirt on Terri?! It's sick how they're trying to "humanize" her so people don't see the OTHER video and think "wow, look at her, she IS a vegetable". But they see a woman who is dressed to the 9's so they feel sorry for her, and then in turn think that starving this woman in bright red lipstick, gold hoop earrings and a fancy shirt is inhumane.
And to the Cardinal, who today announced that Terri Schiavo's death was an "attack against God" - I agree with you. Keeping a woman alive artifically when for all intents and purposes she should have died 15 years ago when her heart stopped beating IS an "attack against God". 15 years ago it was God's will for her to die, and modern medicine is what kept her alive. Go figure.
The amount of attention that people (myself included) spend on the most mundane, trivial, things - while much larger, more important things are going on is just...ugh.
It wasn't my intention to get on a soap box. (I believe you need an audience for that anyway)
I have some pictures that I am going to include in this post, but I'm not at home and I don't have access to photo editting software at work.