Feb 04, 2004 18:05
juicy x pear: i smell like burt popcorn
juicy x pear: haha
juicy x pear: burnt**
smartxxblonde: lol
juicy x pear: i accidentally put my popcorn on for WAY too long
juicy x pear: haha
smartxxblonde: we have a smart one in the crowd today
smartxxblonde: lol
juicy x pear: haha!!
juicy x pear: omg, speaking of that, today i was such a total ditz!!
juicy x pear: at my school, your not allowed to chew gum, but i was, and we went to this cultural arts thing, and when it was done, i got up and started talking, and it fell out onto my shoe!!
juicy x pear: but, no-one saw
juicy x pear: but still . . im a ditz
smartxxblonde: hahahahahah
smartxxblonde: good job
juicy x pear: haha
juicy x pear: thanks
smartxxblonde: its was hillarious! ok so me and jesse and alan and sean and other people were staying after school and jesse found some playdough and he is a pitcher and picthces really fast and stuff so he was trying to hit me while was was moving and he hit my back and i shouted "*** THAT HURT LIKE A MOTHER F*****!!!!!!!!! S*** S*** S***!!!" and this old guy turns and looks at me
smartxxblonde: (those people r my friends)
juicy x pear: HAHA!!!
juicy x pear: omg, your hillarious
juicy x pear: o, and later, when we (my friends and i were walking back to class) we kept pushing each other for fun, and my friend pushed me and i almost chocked on my gum!!
juicy x pear: it was really funny
smartxxblonde: hahahahahahhaha
smartxxblonde: thats hillarious!
juicy x pear: thanks . . haha
juicy x pear: im really funny sometimes