(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 17:22

Harth massages his temples.

It's more for dramatic effect than anything else, but the minions need everything blatant. The few in front of him shuffle back nervously - more nervously than they have been for a while. After Icarus' death, Harth had more of less ignored them, short of a few clipped instructions, mostly involving the Slayer. But a few weeks ago he'd suddenly got... organised.

If organised here means controlling, short tempered, and vicious when displeased. Those few who'd thought the diminutive vampire with the face of a kid would be easy to take on hadn't continued to think for long.

Well, 'cept for Hadran. Sometimes they still hear him screaming.

A thin white finger points thoughtfully at a particularly unlucky minion.

"Right. You two? Kill him, he's a moron."

The boy continues thoughtfully over the instant scuffle. "Not that y'aren't, both of you, but that time was really his fault. See? I can be fair."

Dust billows, and attention is returned to him. "So, y'failed to grab her before she handed the statue over. Dumb, but not unfixable. You'll pay attention next time?"

"Yes, Master."

"Excellent. Now rut off, if y'would. Little Katya's gonna be freaked enough with just me."

And Harth grins. Since that's fine with him.
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