Halloween and the Harry Potter Club!

Nov 01, 2009 21:21

So I think navigator is down (the website we use for school that I need to post journal entries for my english class) so I guess I'll just post here for now and copy it over later. So revers of my original intent, but oh well.

So first, Halloween. I don't know if people in Salem celebrated it on the 30th, like other schools seemed to, but I heard that people dressed up for classes and also that a parade of kids from the elementary school on campus (because we are a teacher's school, so we have an elementary school they can get hands-on training from) came through the Sullivan building (most humanities are held there, it looks like it could be a high school it's so old). But since I had no classes, I wasn't in Salem.

On Halloween, I helped my mom carve pumpkins and also set up for a hot pot! Emily came over and so did her parents and our grandma! Hot pot was delicious! Jonathan had friends over and they were so loud, so Emily and I left after dinner to go trick-or-treating. We only went to a few houses, because I'm too old to trick-or-treat and she wasn't even wearing a costume so we only went to people I knew that were in my neighborhood.

I went to the Harry Potter exhibit today! It was AMAZING! I got to see costumes and props and even the real wands used in the movies! It was so amazing! I was like a kid in the candy store! I even got to see what the dementors looked like under the robes... they are so scary! It was interesting to see that the actors weren't much taller than me, based on the mannequins their clothes were on. Seeing Cho's formal dress in person (from the Yule Ball) was cool because I was able to see just how beautiful and full of detail it was! I was told that I looked like Cho by someone where and my mom got annoyed because she said "that just shows you how many Asians she's seen in her life" I thought that was really stupid of her because, maybe not my face, but I do like a little like Cho. We have near the same haircut. She also has bangs with highlights. So even if I was just told that I look like her because I'm Asian I could see how I could look like her otherwise. I bought an authentic replica of Hermione's wand! It's so pretty and actually rather heavy seeing as it's solid.

So the Harry Potter club that I'm trying to start is really coming together. I've appointed myself Head Mistress. I have Deputy Head Mistress and a Head of Gringotts (treasure)! I'll post more updates on that when I have more to tell you!

Okay well I better get to bed! I'll try to archive my old posts on here either today or tomorrow!

halloween, hermione granger, cho chang, emily mui, wand, harry potter

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