Oct 26, 2010 19:57
Back from Dubbo. ($%(*%$ Frank frightened the crap out of us by retching and foaming almost the moment he got home. Vet was called, taxi was summoned, attempts were made to pry his mouth open for inspection, but the episode was over in minutes and the little bugger was wolfing down an exploratory teaspoon of gooshy food. I think what happened was that he greedied down a dry kibble too quickly and it scratched or otherwise irritated his throat; the retching and foaming was the cat equivalent of coughing. He's fine now, some hours later - sitting on the photocopy I'm trying to read, with his butt hanging over onto my keyboard. Oy.
In unrelated news, the Ancient Languages school are offering Hittite. *headdesk* Every year I swear I will not return due to ill health. Only now, with the CPAP machine and the insulin, what is there to stop me?