Refugee Update

Mar 09, 2016 11:00

Iranian refugee couple returns home after being transferred from Nauru to Cambodia (ABC, 8 March 2016) Gods help them. Depending on who you believe, only one or two refugees remains in Cambodia after being transferred from Nauru. We paid Cambodia $40 million in "aid money" for this deal, and promised the International Organisation for Migration $15.5 million, which they haven't been paid in full -- since only five refugees have so far taken up the offer. While the ALP and their Malaysian plan are no better, the Shadow Minister for Immigration, Richard Marles, is correct: this is "an expensive joke". As always, it would be cheaper to bring them here.

Australian Border Force denies asylum seeker boat scuttled after reports six men taken aboard ship (9 March, 2016) But I thought we'd stopped the boats...

Department of Immigration and Border Protection uses 'allegedly' to describe experiences of Nazi Germany (SMH, 9 March 2016) Oopsie. Specifically, they dispute the "public numbing and indifference" of German citizens towards the Nazis' victims, which has been compared to the attitudes of Australians towards asylum seekers and refugees. They're ever so offended, poor dears.

Two offshore asylum seekers placed under suicide or self-harm watch every three days (GA, 9 March 2016)

cambodia, manus island, australia, refugees, nauru

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