Supernatural drabble: Fire

Apr 07, 2011 14:50

Disclaimer: Kripke = Legend + Master (of Supernatural)

Author's Note: prompt from spn_30snapshots' theme 1, Elemental.


Campfires were supposed to be awesome. They were supposed to be the hub of camping. However, the Winchesters didn't have one. They had had one, but it was now buried under a heap of dirt.

Dean and Sammy had been excited when their dad had told them that they were going to be borrowing a tent from one of Pastor Jim's friends for the long weekend. The kids at school had told Dean (and Dean had told Sammy) about helping build the best fires, eating so many marshmallows their stomachs felt like the fluffy confections, and staying up past their bedtimes talking around the fire.

When the Winchesters reached their camping area their dad helped Dean and Sammy build a structure the fire would like: creating a miniature, and poorly insulated cabin in a circle of rocks. Their dad and Dean tied knots with four pieces of newsprint to fill the structure with. Then their dad flicked his lighter to one of the knots of newsprint. Flames spread quickly; the fire belched bits of still flaming words into the sky in a dark smoke.

Staring into the flames consuming the box-y structure the small Winchester family had created made their father clear his throat repeatedly and blink rapidly. He disappeared shortly after into the bowels of the Impala to check his work supplies. Dean and Sam watched the flames waving like fingers. The brothers got out some marshmallows, but the fire made their skin itch.

Dean and Sammy asked their dad how to put out the fire. Their dad poured water to douse the flames and then instructed Dean and Sammy to help him kick dirt over the smoking remains.

supernatural, wee!chester(s)

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