The Wheel of Time drabble: Touch

Mar 18, 2011 11:31

Disclaimer: Robert Jordan = creator of The Wheel of Time + many, many words, pages, and books

Author's Note: Another stolen prompt from spn_30snapshots table 1: Elemental, aaand I'm probably not supposed to dabble in a fandom other than Supernatural for these but I am.

Set: in book 1, The Eye of the World, sometime after Nynaeve and Lan have met and Lan and Moiraine are on the road again together without Nynaeve. Uh, I'm not sure if there was a circumstance like this in TEotW, but let's pretend. It's been two summers since I've read TEotW and I tend to get a bit impatient with thick books and speed read through them at times. I hope I haven't butchered the characters or universe too badly in this.


Moiraine contained an exasperated sigh. "Please sneeze, Lan."

Lan raised his head to her.

Moiraine hid a smile. "I've been itchy all day," she explained.

"Sorry, Moiraine," Lan said, and then added, "I'm going to check the parameter."

Moiraine wriggled beneath her cloak as Lan left and the itchy feeling swelled yet again, but of course the itch she was feeling was impossible for her to scratch. Moiraine sighed.

In all the years he had been with her she had never seen Lan sick. Of course this was part of their bond. She gave him a greater resistance to illness and injury in exchange for his muscles and agility. Still, she had seen him injured--had treated him herself--but never sick.

She thought Lan's sudden susceptability had something to do with that Emond's Field girl he had met, Nynaeve. Lan and Nynaeve had been like two magnets when they met, even though Lan had not allowed them to touch very much by masking their attraction with his responsibilities as warder and to his heritage.

Moiraine had to grudgingly concede that Lan and Nynaeve's attraction might have been because Nynaeve and herself were so similar. Thus, while Nynaeve and Moiraine clashed--two north poles crushed together and struggling for some separation--Nynaeve and Moiraine's warder quickly and eagerly accepted each other; the bond that kept Lan and Moiraine together sped the closeness of Lan and Nynaeve.

Moiraine shifted again. She was never going to get any rest with Lan's stubbornness, but then from the farther reaches of their small, temporary over night camp Lan grunted, "h'uhh'H-GXXXSSSH'uuh! H-GXXSSSH'uh!"

Moiraine sighed and quickly slipped her eyes closed.

cold, the wheel of time, sneezefic

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