Supernatural drabble: Cold

Nov 21, 2010 21:20

Disclaimer: All hail Kripke, Supernatural's God.
Summary: Sam and Dean are staked outside a house on a snowy night and Sam's really not enjoying it.
Note: This is for the maaarvelous 27_jaredjensen as a thank you for the birthday fic she wrote me, Garden.


Sam was so cold he thought his organs might be shivering. He glanced over at Dean, who was crafting a masterpiece of a snowball. Sam’s bones rattled with a shudder at the thought of putting his hands anywhere but inside his pockets.

Except that keeping his hands warm was worsening what was becoming a pressing problem for Sam: his nose, which was running twice as much in the cold air. Moreover, the sniffling Sam was doing to keep his hands warm and his wet nose in check wasn’t working very well and the action was incensing the ticklish feeling that his trickling sinuses were producing. When Sam impatiently sniffed again his breath was taken captive until a ransom of a sneeze was enacted. “TSHHh!”

Sam was thankful he had directed his head away from his brother when he sneezed, since his position meant he could sniffle and snuffle his way back to respectability without seeing a grimace from his brother. However, when Sam turned back to watching the suspicious house he found his brother had pinned him like a specimen with his gaze. When Sam’s gaze found Dean’s his brother flicked his stare back to the house they were supposed to be watching and resumed working on His Snowball.

Sam turtled into his bunched shoulders and fought to keep his teeth quiet as he was siezed with a full body shiver. He was frustrated when he could feel his nose already getting twitchy, but stubbornly kept his hands dug deep into his pockets against the bitter wind tossing snow glittering like faery dust beneath the streetlights. It wasn’t long before Sam’s breath was abducted into another sneeze though and this one that was louder and heavier than the last. “hah-AH’TSSHHH’shoo!” A flurry of sniffles and snuffles followed.

This time Dean did say something. “It’s cold out, isn’t it?”

sam, supernatural, cold, sneezefic

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