May 25, 2005 21:06
I'm working full time at the call centre starting Monday(instead of this 2 shift a week thing i have now) AND I've still got summer school till the 14th of june. I can't imagine what it would be like to work 2 jobs...So my 2 days off from my job every week are the 2 days I have class. One thing that I do like about this is that it does guarantee that I have full time hours when I'm done school for the summer. Really there's no problem, all I have to do is get my major assignment done by the end of this weekend and then ask Sean to book me off the day before my final exam. Since I don't have school that Thursday, that'll be my weekend that week. After I'm done this class, things will be a little more flexible...I mean if I have my 2 days off during the week I can always go visit friends then. But, this also means I've for sure gotten the job and my 2 week trial is done. YAY! Anyway, Regan will be here soon and since I'll be working like crazy soon I wanna see her before the rush starts...Keep dreaming everyone!