Jan 16, 2004 15:24
[ Describe your ]
x. [Wallet] I have two..a little red one and a long black one.
x. [Hairbrush] black
x. [Toothbrush] white..electric
x. [Jewelry worn daily] my moms wedding ban, irish ring .
x. [Blanket] autumn leave design
x. [Facewash] umm clean & clear.or something like that
x. [Coffee cup] tinker bell, pages and friends mugs :)
x. [Sunglasses] Whichever blocks my eyes from the sun @ the beach
x. [Underwear]I can't stand thongs
x. [Shoes] whatever..
x. [Favorite shirt] umm my new " Maintain mother nature" tee
x. [Favorite pants] my green ones
x. [CD in stereo right now] yellowcard, Jason Mraz and dashboard
x. [Tattoos] None
x. [Piercings] ears..i want my lip
x. [What you are wearing now:] flannel pants, the used tee and sweater over it
x. [Hair] brunette
x. [Do you like candles] I have millions all around my room
x. [Do you believe in love] OoOh Yeah
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] I think so
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] not really
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] cremated..everyone seeing u in a coffin is too upsetting
x. [What are you gonna do when you're older?]get married, have a family, have a well paying job and just settle down
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] 191 to be exact.
x. [What band are you listening to now?] Chevelle
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] dont feel like getting up to look..hah
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] a monkey dude
x. [What is the longest you've ever stayed up?] Use to stay up for days with Jess..back when things were normal
[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] about an hour ago
x. [Laughed?] hours ago
x. [Cried?] urmm a couple days ago
x. [Bought something] umm cant even remember
x. [Danced?] just a few minutes ago to britany lmao
x. [Had a nightmare?] all the time
x. [Last book you read] Go ask Alice..a good freakin book.
x. [Last movie you saw] underworld..that chick rules
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] water
x. [Last thing you had to eat] a mini bagel lol
[ Body ]
x. [What do you most like about your body?] umm nothin spectacular about my body
x. [And least?] lots
x. [How many fillings do you have?] none
x. [Do you think you're good looking?] not quite
x. [Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?] on occasion
x. [Do you look like any celebrities?] Um people say Lee Lee sobieski, Shiri appleby, and Claire Forlani..I was told britany spears from two people? lmao what??!?
[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] sometimes..if i remember to put it on
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] 2 that i wear
x. [Favorite pants/skirt colour?] my green pants and black skirts
x. [Most expensive item of clothing?} dunno..i am cheap
x. [Describe your style in one word] whatever
[ Your Friends ]
x. [do your friends know you?] I would like to think that they do..
x. [Are there traits in you that are universally liked?] i dont know
x. [How many people do you tell everything to?] A rare few
[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favourite band ever?] Incubus
x. [Most listened to bands?] Taking Back sunday, beatles, yellowcard, coldplay, B52's, Brand new, incubus, saves the day
x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] oh yeah
x. [Type of music most listened to?] I dont like labels..whatever I said above..
x. [Type never listened to?] country..i dont feel that
x. [Favourite book?] Lovely Bones
x. [Favourite t.v show?] Friends!
[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] Sunny
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] no
x. [Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?] yes
x. [Choose one word to describe how you feel most often] confused
x. [Do you own any plaid clothing?] my flannel pants
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants?] nope
x. [Do you own braces?] no.....
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?] Nope
x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] no
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] no..I dont dye my hair
x. [Do you own a bandana?] nah
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] no
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] nope
[Habits/beliefs ]
x. [Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?] I try not to be
x. [Are you an anarchist?] ahh not really
x. [Do you smoke cigarettes?] nope
x. [Are you vegan/vegetariani no, but it would be good to be a vegan
x. [Do you think meat is murder?] Yes..even though I eat it :(
x. [Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] nope
x. [Do you wash your hair less than once a week?] no
x. [Have you ever gone a week without a shower?] No
x. [Age] 17
x. [Birthday] 08-25-86
x. [Sign] Virgo
x. [Location] Long Island
x. [Status] my <3's taken
x. [Crush] my b/f Jeff
x. [Natural hair colour] Brown
x. [Current hair colour] Brown
x. [Eye colour] brown
x. [Height] 5'8"
x. [Shoe size] 8.5
x. [Parents] Geri & Al
x. [Siblings] none
x. [Live with] My dad
x. [Number] 8
x. [Color] purple
x. [Day] Friday
x. [Month] August
x. [Song] nobody said it was easy- coldplay
x. [Movie] Now and Then
x. [Food] Buffalo wings from applebees baby
x. [Season] Autumn
x. [Class] photo
x. [Teacher(s)] Mr. Ferris this year.
x. [Drink] water, sprite, root beer
x. [Veggie] brocc.
x. [TV Show] Friends and the rich girls
x. [Radio] dont care for radio
x. [Store] H&M
x. [Word] Peace
x. [Animal] monkeys
x. [Flower] white Roses
[this or that]
x. [Me/You] Me
x. [Coke/Pepsi] coke
x. [Day/night] Night
x. [CD/cassette] CD
x. [Jeans/khakis] khakis..im all about the comfort
x. [Car/truck] Car
x. [Tall/short] tall