Nov 05, 2008 12:20
I would just like to say a few words on the events of last night. Although I am more than thrilled that Obama was elected president, last night was about so much more than that. A moment in history was made and all that voted and made their voices heard got to be a part of that. For years America was criticized because we had never had a man of color as president. This proved to them that we do not discriminate against color but look past the color of a mans skin. Which brings on the point that I don't understand why people are being so raciest against him. Does it really matter if he is black or white, republican or democrate, man or women. What should matter is what he wants to do for our country and our country is ready for a change. A lot of people feel that by voting Obama into office we are erasing the sin of slavery that we have held over our heads for years. As I sat and watched hours of news coverage, than watched as Obama was elected president and than with my very own eyes I watched MCcains speach where he congratulated Obama on his victory and told his supporters that we need to pull together as America, support Obama, and overcome some hard times that are coming our way. He himself was trying to tell all you that were dissapointed that there is still hope, but only if we put our differences aside and pull together as a United America. Than I watched as Obama came to speak with tears in my eyes because I knew that he spoke the truth. He didn't stand up promising miracles he warned of the upcoming hardships, of the wars, of the economy crises, and of many more issues that are coming our way. But as he stood up there and spoke I knew that the better man won and that this country would be ok. So if you voted Mccain I am sorry for your dissapointment, but for this country to survive your going to have to put your faith in a man that America your country voted as president.