May 01, 2006 19:55
silence often speaks louder than words...(my thought of the week...haha)
one more week until AP exams are over (seems like a century)
mamma mia = 18 more days
end of school = about 1 month
summer = so close but yet so far away
ok...i think i am taking this = thing a little too
i am upset because i've been using the wrong outlets for my stress and emotions. i have been using food as an outlet, eating more than usual these last 3 weeks, trying to fill myself up, to eat away the emotions i feel, but i never truly feel full. then afterwards i feel even worse than i did before. but i am gonna work on this:
goal #1 this summer: exercise and eat healthier
goal #2 this summer: find other ways to relieve my stress (but then again there isn't much stress over the summer luckily)
ok you guys...i finally admitted something that i was feeling. (and i don't do that often, as you have prob. noticed)it feels kind of odd admitting this...