i don't really think these are new year resolutions exactly. they're more like things i want to change about my life after looking back on mistakes i've made this year.
- i want to learn to live like there is no tomorrow: without any hesitations, any regrets, or any self-doubts; and just go forth to do the things i want to do without letting anything hold me back. Work as if you have no need of the money. Love as if you've never been hurt before. Dance as if nobody is watching you. Sing as if nobody is hearing you.
- i need to learn to stop letting other people dictate my life. i need to learn to say no (in every sense of the word). it is after all, my life isn't it? so shouldn't i get a say in whether or not i want to do certain things?
- i also want to learn to be less dependent on other people. my happiness should not have to depend on another individual. also, i shouldn't have to be afraid to stand up against another for what i believe in.
- and while i'm at it, i want to be able to hold myself accountable for the things i do. when i aim to do something, i want to have the determination to hold on to it till the end. only then, can i start making changes, right?
i think i'm being ambitious. but that's what i hope to achieve (if not next year) some day. ってゆうか、これから今まで以上にもっと頑張らなきゃね。もっと、もっと、強くなりたい。