genderbent!eames → inception
how's my driving?
Playing genderbent characters is always tricky, because it's really a struggle (at least for me) to keep the integrity of the character intact in terms of the fact that they are, ultimately, not their canon counterpart at all; but at the same time, still writing her in a way that manages to keep a distinctly Eames feel to her. That said, any constructive criticism is very much welcome. Roleplay is a collaborative effort and I would never turn down tips or suggestions or pointing out a mistake or two I've made. In general, the more specific you can be if you saw something not-quite-right would be helpful and the better I'll be able to respond. Of course, that all said, just because we might end up having differing opinions doesn't make either of us in the wrong- we can always sweep it under the 'artistic license' rug and call it a day, hm? (:
out of character;
Backtagging: Almost always. I'm rather horrible with keeping up with backtagging, however, and tend to lose quite a few notifications in my inbox, so a gentle pm or comment anywhere to remind me will be greatly appreciated!
Threadhopping: Within reason, but perfectly welcome. If you're unsure, asking first is probably a good bet.
Fourthwalling: I'm going to go with a firm no on this one if only because I'm not so sure what good would come of it? Honestly, all she'd probably do was become convinced she was dreaming and try to shoot herself in the head, so. Erm. Awkwarddd.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): It's fairly difficult to offend me but if it's something that intensely involves Eames, please ask first. That way we can hash it out and both parties can be happy.
in character;
Hugging this character: Yes, although if you're a virtual stranger that might not be a 100% appreciated. Criminals. So touchy.
Kissing this character: She'd hardly say no, but what reaction you get would probably depend quite a bit on a case by case basis.
Flirting with this character: Absolutely!
Fighting with this character: Why not, although a warning or mention of your intention to do so before would be helpful.
Injuring this character: Ask first, please. Once we've got it sussed, feel free to godmode specific incident.
Killing this character: In the dream? No. Reality? Yes. I get rather attached to my characters, so no ty.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: For the most part it's okay. Using wiki or consulting ooc measures of finding out bits and pieces is also okay with me. She is, however, not very likely to respond well to this kind of thing, so consider ye warned, matey.
Warnings: None for now.