Take the quiz:
"What Historic Woman Are You?"
Deborah Sampson
This woman is amazing. During the American Revolution, she disguised herself as a male soldier and ran off to fight against the British. After she was found out by the great General Henry Knox, she was given an honorable discharge and a pension from the military for her brave work. You are strong, loyal, and always fight for what you believe in. Go you. Learn more about Deborah!
http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/biographies/sampson.html Wow Deborah Sampson was friggin Awesome!!! Hehe and it was so weird to hear the different towns mentioned that I know about like Tarrytown. The American Revolution so kicks ass! hehe
Um...Event from yesterday:
Was chatting amiably with my mom yesterday when she goes. "Elyse I have to be a mom. You know not to be a 'cock teaser' in college?" My jaw dropped and I went "Whaaaat?" So she explained to me that I can't snuggle and sit on guys laps because eventually they are going to want me to 'put out' And then, which totally floored me she goes "Mr. Right is not going to be at college. You should wait to give it to someone who really matters and not give it just to lose it because you can't get it back once its gone" which kind of contradicts what she's told me for the longest time about 'testing the waters' but whatever. So then I told her "I know that, mom. It's always been a vow to myself not to give that to anyone who wasn't amazingly special to me. And if a guy can't respect my decision he doesn't deserve me." I guess the strength behind my voice reassured her. And she's goes "That's right, that's totally right. You're number one!" and So I reply, "Mom didn't I go through years of therapy and this and that to learn that I am number one. Don't you think I know that applies to my body as well?" And then she started crying. So I gave her a hug and she literally starts sobbing in my arms. It was her first breakdown about me going away. I didn't cry. I mean it's not as emotional for me as it is her for her. But I was glad I could be there to comfort her. And Sandy (my dog) got soo upset and started barking at us because my mom was crying. It really made the entire situation very funny.
And THEN: I almost ran over a midget yesterday! I was driving to Logrea and I was at a stop light. I didn't even see him on the sidewalk, so the light turns green and I take my foot of the brake when all of a sudden I see this head at the top right corner of my hood. So I put my foot back on the brakes and the guy runs across. I just started laughing hysterically. Jacque the jeep is high of the ground, so that's why I didn't see him. But the entire experience was so crazy. The first time I nearly hit someone and it was a midget. Although I can't really blame myself for it. What kind of idiot stands in front of a running car at a stop light and chats with their friend on the sidewalk. ESPECIALLY if you are short and it's a big car? hehe. Anyway that was just insane.
Dance was awful yesterday. Mr. Logrea was in an awful mood and just yelled at us the entire time. And Jazz sucked as well. But I made myself feel better my singing showtunes the entire way home. I also killed my voice with all the singing, but that's okay! It was worth it to feel better. The rest of the night I'd rather not report because it wasn't as fun or cheerful. But I'm doing well.
Plans for today: None other than my last official dance class until perhaps as late as February. *cries* How will I survive?!?!