
Feb 04, 2006 22:54

Wow...Huddle was amazing! Kim, Anna's roommate did my hair and then Anna helped me with my make-up and everything else. Then John ended up having to walk me to the stadium because my ride didn't work out. Oh, well. It was a nice walk and John kept me smiling the whole way. By the time I got there I was late to help with Kappa calendars, but whatever. It wasn't a big deal. Then I went upstairs, sat at a table with Sarah Schultz and some other random people. The food was really good and eventually during dessert, Sarah and I moved over to join some other altos: Nicole, Ryan, Lauren, Jeremy, Sarah. It was fun. Then the program began and the Huddle video was amazing!!! They had all the great songs from our season, like Bon Jovi and Everybody's Everything, as well as In the Stone. Madden also talked to us for a while and it was rather interesting trying to watch him on the tv screens. After that we all hurried downstairs for Kappa and Alto pictures. Then it was back upstairs to dance for a while. I forgot to mention that I saw Wa-jiw before dinner and I felt so happy to see someone like him there. I knew I would be all set with swing dance partners because Ben was there too. As the dancing went on, soon swing numbers came up and Wa-jiw and I danced the first number and he decided to try an aerial, aka flipping me over. Anyway, it went fine, he didn't drop me or anything, but the strap on my dress decided to break...that was rather interesting, lol. So, I continued dancing with him, trying to hold up my dress at the same time. Then I danced the whole next swing number with Ben, all the time trying to make sure my dress didn't fall down. After that I looked for someone in charge and finally decided to talk to Meredith, my section leader. It turns out she had a safety pin on the back of her dress and she let me have it! It was so awesome! My dress and night of dancing was saved!! :) Anyway, I was soon right back out there, dancing with Wa-jiw and everyone else. I ended up slow dancing with Ryan from my section and that was cool because I haven't really gotten to talk with him in a while. I definitely enjoyed flirting with several of the guys and ended up getting an invitation from Wa-jiw to go to the baritone party at Allison's afterward. Wa-jiw gave me a ride home after Huddle and then Ben met me about 45 minutes to an hour later to walk across Grand River to Allison's. I ended up staying from about 1 until like 3:30. It was nice just to relax with a bunch of people. Then Wa-jiw gave me a ride home and everything. It was so cute...he was so tired, he pretty much fell asleep at the party. Just made me smile...:) Well, I ended up talking to him once already today and I might get to hang out with him sometime soon. I at least get to see him at swing on Tuesday night. Anyway, that was just about everything exciting that happened last night. I wouldn't have traded the memories for anything! I definitely had the time of my life!
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