Aug 16, 2004 20:04
blah school started today.... i didnt like my schedule very much ... my schedule is pretty weird though....
1. spanish II......urias
2. chemistry......martinez
3. varsity choir......jaggard
4.english III.........zamora
5. lunch
6. geometry.......palomin
7. world history....pena
8. team tennis .......cancino
anyways its kinda kewl cause i have matt for first period....and second period i have rolando v. and than i met angela o niel she is pretty kewl we have alot in common and got along really well .....and then i had cyndi in choir which was really kewl ....and than in english there were alot of people i knew like joch and becky and juan .... and lots more ... and than i had lunch juan and michael and me and lin nevile and just everybody was in that period... and in geometry i have michael sosa ... juan d.....< tennis team with me> jon and mario and in world geography... i have cyndi,kevin,jugo,jon, rolando d. and freddy and loads more and than for tennis i had most of the people from last year but angela was with me this time and danny and elvira it was pretty kewl.......well now that i think about my schedule i guess its not so bad but i guess its just the teachers i didnt click with ....but anyways im chatting with michael martinez right now he is pretty kewl.....but anyways nothing really important or life threatning happend today .... well all i know is tomorrow i have to wait for juan to call me and than me and him will met at robert e lee and than met after school......anyways i guess ill write later