
Mar 24, 2005 17:45

heyy yalll!! umm ok this week was kinda funnn durin math mrs garza wasnt there!! n we had a sub n the 1st one was ok but then the other one was meann n um ya...on tuesday coach made me do like the warmup AND the workoutt n i usually just do highjumpp but i had 2 miss highjumpp ughh coach wants me 2 b in the 400d n 400 relay but i dont want 2 b in the relay bkuz im scared if i like drop it or sutmhinn..schools gotten aloott better n its funnerr n yaa..omg i kant waitt till formmall i hope its like um really good n nothinn bad happens..2dayy was really ffunn after skool samg came over n we were supose 2 go look at the hummer were gonna gett but umm they sed they ddint have it rite now soo my mom brought us sonicc n it was kool haa we saw this ikonn n it was a guys mouth n it had blood all over it n it was gross n i waslike thats like kissin aids it was funny u had 2 b ther...n we have this lil dance 2 a britney spears songg haa its funny..yess 2day we didnt have track practieee ok ughh ok this person is makin me feel really baddd well umm im gonna go buhh byee


nothin is more painful then realizing that he meant everything to you and u meant nothin 2 him...
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